Yesterday’s devotional started by saying that every human being has tendency of desiring who to be and what to have. In order to attain certain position or statute or what to have for living; some people have slipped into extreme desperation. The ways people pursue wealth, riches, positions, authorities etc., these days are fearfully overwhelming. There is degree of senseless pursue of almost everything these days. Today’s devotional focuses on advising readers against the destructive pill called “extreme desperation.” One writer, Charlie Chaplin said “Despair is a narcotic. It lulls the mind into indifferences.”
In politics, religious spheres, traditional settings, we see people running after acquisitions of materials and positions in a crazy and frenzy indifferences. This is what desperation does to people. These days, many people go for politics to win and remain (sit-tight politicians). Those in the powers already rule with “lulled mind” dead to consciences. They grab everything and closed their hearts against the poor. Some religious leaders as well as traditional leaders, rule without moral laws. They kill, maim and destroy to be in power. We have seen governments preaching democracy but operating in anarchy, dynasty, nepotism, tribalism, religiosity in a clear impunity desperately.
The problems of the world will surge upward till point of destruction is reached, except desperate leaders are resisted and pushed out of authority and leadership. In a nation where desperate leaders exist, inflation and corruption is hardly put on check. Living conditions get harder and harder with the led while the desperate leaders smile away with wealth, riches and comfort. The dominant features in a nation desperate leaders are in power are hardship, hunger, sicknesses, people riddled with diseases and high death mortalities of the poor masses. These days, because of extreme desperation for money and positions desperate men, women and youths have become ritualists, using fellow human beings for ritual sacrifices. The beloved in Christ, check these things up and you will agree that extreme desperation has done greater harm to the world than good. the solution to end all the wickedness and vices in our societies is to kill desperation for inordinate things.
1. Pray and ask God to bring into leadership, people with sound minds full of love for mankind as quickly as possible in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. Pray and ask God to make you an instrument of change in your society so as to fight desperation out of hearts of people in Jesus name