The three series on household enemy has given enough descriptions of who could be household enemy. In practical term, identifying household enemy could be difficult in the sense that such a person, more often than not, proves to be the closest person to you in the family. He or she might be the one showing you with care and love outwardly. All is with an intention to be aware of everything about you. Such a person is more of an acquaintance than just a brother or sister. Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus was such an acquaintance of Jesus. Jesus referred to him as a friend (Matt. 26: 50). As promised in the third series of this devotional, our focus today is picking out few things that will enable one discover who is a household enemy.
When you always have attack on disclosing your plans: It was after Joseph disclosed his dreams that the brothers began to launch attacks on him. Who did you disclose your plans to and attacks on you usually occur? Who is the particular person that your business usually hit the rock after you had extensively discussed your business with among your family members or friends? If you use to be involved in accidents when travelling, who do you know that you used to discuss your trips with before taking off, and, thereafter have accidents?
Disappointment when expecting good things: Do you always have your expected good luck turns off? For instance, you discuss how your marriage is coming and you told someone, and suddenly, the prospective suitor turns away. Such a person might be household enemy. There was this lady who was accommodating a female friend. A man proposed marriage to the lady. They kept going on and meeting, talking how, the marriage would go. One day, the suitor visited. On his going, the girl squatting with lady was told by the friend to see the man off. On the way as the two were walking together, the girl turned the man away from her lady friend accommodating her. She ended up marrying the man. Household enemy!
Failed counsels: one might be a household enemy if his/her counselling always fail or ended up in disaster. Usually, a household enemy would like knowing about anything you want to do or want to be. Such will give counsels which could always work against you. Therefore, to discover such household enemy, be sure you examine how such gives counsels and how the counsels backfired. Things such as enumerated above are some signs that household enemy is around you in your house.
Jehovah Nissi, the Bible says secret things belong to you. Reveal to me any of my household enemies in my house working against my destiny in the name of Jesus Christ.
I am too graced to be destroyed by any household enemy. Hallelujah!!!