In a normal world position, people tend to team up with a supposed stronger person, tribes or nations when under oppressions to help them fight. These are allies. These allies still gang up to fight selected targets. Christians have these allies. But God is always prepared to fight your allies. We read in Isaiah of God’s pronounced woe upon Ethiopia people and their associate, the people of Cush, fighting Israel.God spoke to Prophet Isaiah here, assuring the Israelites of His readiness to fight their enemies. The same God can come upon teamed up enemies preparing to fight you. Passage of Isaiah chapter 18 has story of such alliance between Ethiopia and people of Cush fighting for the Ethiopians. They are described as “tall, smooth-skinned people who are feared far and wide for their conquests and destruction, and whose land is divided by rivers” (Isa. 18: 2, 7 Africa Study Bible).The Cush people are said to be the modern people living in Sudan.
The Cush people were great warriors who conquered their enemies smoothly. Many Pharaohs of Egypt allied with them, sent them out as “ambassadors of wars” moving up and down on the Nile Rivers in swift boats.At the time of Isaiah, the Israelites were said to be contemplating forming alliance with the Assyrians who will help them subdue the Ethiopians and the Cushites. God at this moment revealed His plan against the Ethiopians and the Cushites ally. God will raise up the Assyrians to conquer the Cushites and the Ethiopians, then use His angels defeat the Assyrians when they will rise against King Hezekiah (Isaiah 37: 33 – 37). Lesson here is that, when serious problems are orchestrated against us as Christians, we do not have to go looking for earthly people believed to have power to fight our enemies. God has the powers over our allies. The Israelites never formed the alliance again. But the deliverance God promised was fulfilled in Isaiah 37: 36.
These days, is like certain groups of religious bodies have formed deadly alliances to take over the whole world. Many people are seeking for other nations who might protect them from the Holocaust when it will be fully blown. This devotional however, offers caution to Christians to stay with God. _He is seeing the threats, seeing the weapons assembled and knows the numbers of army raised. God only desires our faith, strong hope, effective prayers and trust in Him. He is ready to defend us._ Remain focused on Him and prayerful, the Beloveth!
My Father Jehovah, you know our enemies are growing in strength and numbers. The threatening ovation is getting louder. Release your angels to attack them in their camps in Jesus mighty name (Isa. 27: 36).
I will not decline in my trust on God till He defeats all my enemies while I am alive! Hallelujah!