The devotionals of August 1 to 3 dwelt on why some people in this world so hate the Words of God with passion. In those devotionals, it was directly or indirectly said that the Words of God are all the world needs. Today’s devotional is saying in a clearer term, that the world needs the Words of God. Yesterday’s devotional touched one very important point saying categorically that any nation seeking joyful and happy situation must know God and take His words very seriously. If Prophet Jeremiah would say that God’s Words is to him, joy and rejoicing of his heart (Jer. 15: 16); we can accept that for us in this world to live in joy, to rejoice and be happy, we must make use of God’s Words for a living. Any school that removes God’s Words from her curricula is heading for dooms. Any nation blocking her citizens from studying the Words of God for directions and edifications is growing hopeless nationals for future.
The positive roles God’s Words play in our society cannot be overstated. One author on this writes: “The Words of God tell us the dos and don’ts of life. It gives us the rules that we must follow.” He stated that the Word of God “…is our Spiritual GPS for living a faithful Christian life.” The lesson embedded in Hebrews 4: 11 – 13 favours this truth, that is, “The Word of God dissects and diagnoses the needs of the heart and points us to a solution.” Nations like Nigeria, America and Turkey, to mention but three, have witnessed when they were richly deep in the Words of God and see things going well with them. Today, they are overwhelmed with insecurities and religious impositions of foreigners who are forcefully enslaving them due to their turning away from God’s Words. A distant from here is Ruwanda which was turned into shreds by genocides for years, but today becoming one of Africa’s peaceful and fast growing in economy because they turned to the Words of God as their guides in administrations.
It is important to point out here that Jesus Christ is God’s Word incarnate. Besides coming to die for the sins of the world, He came with the original Words of God. He came, told us to receive His Words that came from His Father for us to have eternal lives. Many people are refusing this truth till tomorrow. He preached to the world that the Words He preached has Spirit and Life, again many people took Him to be mad and others are still taking Him for that. The good side of this is that, those Christians who accepted Jesus’ words as truth and life are moving about in unbelievable peace joy and happiness. There is invisible joy flowing in the hearts of Christians always because of the Words of God in their hearts.
OH HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, allow the world around me see the joy of the Words of God I carry on the inside flowing out of my heart always in Jesus name.