Whatever happens to human beings had ever been believed as responsibility of either a spirit being or due to what someone else has done wrongly. This buttresses the theory of “cause and effect.” Over the years, people have in-built belief that when sickness, disease, disaster, mysterious death etc., persistently descend on somebody, a serious hidden sins might have been committed. Therefore, where the sins committed are found out, forgiveness has to be sought for. This has been a global believe and practice. The Jews of the Old Testament believed in this system too. This was what gave birth to the construction of the Ark of Covenant. At the top of the Ark of Covenant is built a “Mercy Seat” for the Jews to stand before it. This devotional is not looking at things contained in the Ark of Covenant but in standing before it to obtain mercy and forgiveness of sins, restoration to wholeness and obtaining justices.
The Mercy Seat in the Old Testament days was a place God’s glory appeared when God wanted to communicate and relate with His people Exod. 24: 22). Moses is said to have received direct communication with God by appearing before the Mercy Seat in Numbers 7: 89. Its location is in between two Cherubim mounted on the Ark of the Covenant. After corresponding cleansing and sacrifices are made the people appear before the Mercy Seat to hear God speaking to them as well as confessing their sins to God. After the appearance and the confession, it is believe that their sins are forgiven them. Every Jewish person believed that God’s presence is on the Mercy Seat. Everything about the Mercy Seat can be understood through Spiritual Mind as it is not physically seen with natural eyes.
It is interesting to note that the teaching of Mercy Seat of God has faded significantly amongst “modern Christians” as they seem not believing in it, taking it to be one of the Old Testament ungodly ritual observations._ Even churches which have the understanding of the Mercy Seat, displacing the Ark of the Covenant on their altars are looked upon with suspicion by the ‘Holy than thou Christians.’ This is one of the major reasons the devotional is discussing Mercy Seat of God here. Under this discussion, the Spiritual significant of Mercy Seat of God will be touched, how Jesus Christ assumed the Mercy Seat of God in this our dispensation and how Christians should appear before the Mercy Seat of God in our present days.
JEHOVAH THE ACIENT OF DAYS, help me to understand your position about your Mercy Seat in this our present days in the name of Jesus Christ.