Nations, States, families and organizations have, since the beginning of the world, been ridiculed by one dangerous potential group working to subvert good things in the society. The group had ruined many governments, dynasties, empires, families, secular and religious organizations as well as individuals successfully. The group is “Enemies From Within.” Apostle Paul contended with enemies from within all through his missionary works. Members of this group confronted him in many places he preached the gospel. For instance, he was accused of preaching heresy, calling himself an Apostle while he was not, preaching to the Gentiles, also as one going against the Mosaic laws. He could be seen defending his messages in most of his Epistles. One example is his defense in 1 Cor. 15: 7 to 8 why he should be accepted as Jesus’ Apostle. He talked about how Jesus “…appeared to James, then to all the Apostles and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born.”
We are into another series of the devotional discussing “Your Enemies from Within.” It exposes how enemies within exist in governance, churches, traditional leaderships and how the “works of flesh” forms an enemies within individuals’ lives. As it happened to Apostle Paul, it is happening in our societies today. The genuine civil servants are constantly blackmailed by the corrupt groups in the governing bodies of nations. In same political party, enemies from within uproot the good politicians. In the military, the enemies from within subsequently overthrow their superior officers. All old dynasties and empires of the world fell into debris by the works of enemies from within.
In any nation that there exist many groups working as enemies from within, the nation will hardly stabilize in governance. Most of the instabilities in Africa governances are sponsored by enemies from within, collaborating with international enemies. The works of enemies from within strive on intrigues, blackmails, betrayers and so on. Today’s devotional is generally addressing citizens to beware of enemies from within in their own countries, families, religious organizations as well as traditional councils. Enemies from within might not be eliminated completely but can be curtailed. Surely, application of genuine Christian approach can be very useful in reducing influences of enemies from within successfully.
FATHER JEHOVAH, help the world at large and African nations in particular to be equipped with political and religious wisdom to handle “their enemies from within”; causing troubles for the good people of the earth in Jesus name.