As discussed yesterday, Apostle Paul’s ministry was under attack by enemies from within the believers in Christ all through his missionary works. It will be deduced from 2 Cor. 5: 13 that some group of people might have told those hearing Paul’s preaching that he and his disciples are mad people. Hear his word: “If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God; if we are in our right mind, it is because of you” (2 Cor. 5: 13 NIV). Again, in 2 Cor. 11: 5 – 6 we can see that there could be set of people who have presented themselves to the Corinthian Christians as knowing more than Apostle Paul. He referred to them as “super-apostle.” Paul defended himself by saying he might not have been trained a speaker, but he had knowledge. Today’s devotional is throwing more light on how enemies from within employ their schemes of accusations and character assassinations to discredit their victims.
Over the years in Nigerian politicking, many friends have uprooted their political friends from office by revealing their falsification of certificates. In other social circles, many made friends to destroy them later in life. So many people have come to the end of their careers because they opened up their plans to a so called trusted friend or relative. The Bible warns Christians not to put confidence in people (Psa. 118: 8; Micah 7: 5). Yet, some Christians are still allowing enemies from within their circles of friends and relations to destroy them. There was this story of how someone in same political party in Nigeria supposed to be a political father pulled out certificates of one supposed political childe, and gave them to another political opponent to be sued in electoral tribunal. This happened during the 2023 elections.
The focus of this devotional today is for readers to be on their guards against those hovering around them as friends, close relatives or close associates. All that glitter is not gold; says a popular adage. Stories abound in government circles how people of inner circles turned against their bosses by selling them to coup plotters. There are incidences where friends or relations took over appointments meant for those they pretended loving or being friends to. Such incidences are too numerous to recall. The beloved in Christ, caution given today is for every one of us to guard ourselves from falling victim to your enemies from within. Next to discuss is how the flesh has been peoples’ enemies from within.
Pray, asking God to protect you from enemies within your family members, close friends, evil members of your church and close neighbours in the name of Jesus Christ.