Yesterday’s devotional took a different dimension explaining the works of the flesh as mentioned in the Bible._ Explanations offered are deliberate to enable readers see how these works of the flesh are enemies in individuals and the societies. Wickedness and lasciviousness were touched yesterday. Few others will be added today.
First is witchcraft.
The witchcraft here is different from the Greek meaning of the Greek word “pharmakeia” for use of drugs. We are looking at witchcraft for “sorcery” which means using power to cast spells on people, using magic to attain secret knowledge gleaned from evil spirits. Globally, witchcraft has gained phenomenal repute. People craving for powers and dominion over others are now into it. Many associations are now registered into witchcraft.
Like other works of the flesh, people practicing witchcraft do not have easy sail over it. It costs those practicing witchcraft fortunes, agony and pains. Members are forced to sacrifice their children, wives, husbands or relations for them to stay on board. Wealth gained from witchcraft never outlasts the members. All these create pains on their inside as their enemy from within. *God hates existence of witches and wizards. He said that a witch should not be spared to live. The Bible says: “Suffer not the witch to live” (Exod. 22: 18). This means the witch is not to be allowed to live. It is an abomination to God. A witch turned Christian wrote thus: “Witchcraft was part of my life before Christ stepped into my life. Witchcraft is not a laughing matter, nor is it a child play” (World Magazine, August 19, 2000).
The last to mention among these enemies within is hatred. Hatred is a strong dislike or strong filling of ill-will toward people. Whoever is controlled by spirit of hate can kill easily. In fact, Apostle John said: “Whosoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life” (1 Peter 3: 15). Many wars fought and yet to be fought are built up from hatred for one another. These wars are ragging on and springing up a new because hatred controls the entire world. There are many more of the works of the flesh as found in Galatians 5: 19 – 21. Christians and readers of this devotional are enjoined to read them as Bible Study.
FATHER JEHOVAH, help the world to see the danger of living with the works of the flesh as enemies from within for the world to become what you intended it to be in the name of Jesus Christ.