Christians’ concept of law, when looking at it from human made legalism reveals they are not under the law. This has formed interesting theological debate on living by grace and not by laws. This devotional is not looking at this concept argumentatively. Rather, it is looking at how we have been subjected to satanic laws when remaining as unbelievers. This devotional is a build up to how Christians can have, or had their cases settled by God and Jesus Christ. By spiritual manipulations, every human being had been judged guilty beyond reasonable doubts by satanic courts. Each therefore, keeps suffering under the judgment pronounced on him/her till God would intervene and overturned the judgments by settling the cases. Christians have to agree that against the doctrine of “living by grace”, we are naturally controlled by laws, guided and regulated by laws.
When one breeches any of these laws he/she gets punished by the promulgated laws. This devotional is building on the simple definition of laws as “authoritative rules of conducts” by Prophecy Study Bible. The Old and New Testaments have their authoritative rule of conducts for His children; nations have theirs for her citizens, individual families have theirs as well. These authoritative rules of conducts are approved by God. Reason the Bible enjoined Christians to submit themselves “…to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God” (Rom. 13: 1). We Christians should not pretend to be ignorant of the spiritual cosmic kingdoms with their authoritative rules of conducts.
There exists in the cosmic world, spiritual courts where unbelievers are accused, tried, judged and sentenced to degrees of punishments. No human escapes this judgment because the court is authoritatively controlled by satan himself. Jesus Christ alluded to the fact that satan is the god of this world, meaning he is the ruler or one who has great influences of this world (2 Cor. 4: 4). In the kingdoms of satan, all human beings are made to suffer from the judgments passed over them. We serve the term of judgments differently. Could be untimely death, live a slavery life all through one’s life time; living in pains of one protracted sicknesses all through life time and so on. Those in deliverance ministries major in this explanation. Christians are to be aware of this fact, if not they will be subjected to serving the terms of satanic punishments throughout their life time. Next devotional is how satan rules people on earth in his spiritual kingdoms authoritatively.
OH HOLY SPIRIT, open my spiritual eyes to see how I have been subjected to satanic judgments unknown to me over the years in the name of Jesus Christ.