Devotionals of August 29 and 30 were meant to make have little clue of how wars, terrorism, assassinations, banditries, kidnappings and hijackings have robbed the world its desired peace. To the ordinary person it can be agreed that peace cannot be achieved in this world again. Well, God has never withdrawn peace from the world. People who reject Him as Father are those having problems with peace in their environments, peace in their hearts, peace in their marriage and peace in their families. As many as hear God’s words, live by the words and live in obedient to Him, He makes their enemies to be at peace with them. The Bible describes the peace that Jesus Christ gives those believing in Him as “surpassing all understanding.
Reading through different verses of Philippians 4: 6 –7 informs us the nature of the peace God gives to mankind._ Bible verses say this peace is: “Peace that surpasses all understanding.” We have “the peace that transcends all understanding.” We have “peace that passes all understanding.” African Study Bible puts it as “…God’s peace which exceeds anything we can understand.” Good News Bible plainly puts it as “…God’s peace which is far beyond human understanding.”The ways God’s peace in the minds of His children works is really beyond human comprehension.
The person who has this peace finds it difficult to understand what is happening on his/her inside. The people watching the one with God’s peace are usually amazed with how the carrier of God’s peace envelopes the person.
Those who really trusted God are given peace of mind. King David saw this peace in the lives of his people. He said: “The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses His people with peace” (Psa. 29: 11 NIV). Prophet Isaiah noted that God keeps those who trust in Him and fix their thoughts on Him in “perfect peace” (Isa. 26: 3 – 4 New Living Translation Bible). God has covenant of peace with those who believe and trust in Him. He promised never to remove this covenant of peace even if we found ourselves in mountains of troubles. The Bible says: “The mountains and hills may crumble, but my love for you will never end; I will keep forever my promise of peace” (Isa. 54: 10 Good News Bible). The peace this devotional is talking is the state of tranquility or quietness of the Spirit find in the hearts and minds of believers. It produces joy in the midst of persecution. It greases the heart hit with hurts by pouring upon it “oil of gladness. “The beloved, you need this peace and I need it too!
Pray to God and demand from Him to pour upon your heart and mind perfect peace that the world cannot give in the name of Jesus.