In this third part of the Walking in Open Heaven devotional, we will be looking at how knowing God as all powerful; and all-knowing so as to turn to Him results in “Open Heaven.” Whether we take “open Heaven” as favour from God to receive Spiritual matter from Him or opportuned to receive Spiritual blessings, physical prosperities and what have you, fact as laid down by this devotional is that God’s Heaven remained opened to us Christians. We never see the heaven opened when we close our Spiritual heart from receiving information from the Holy Spirit. It might not be only John that was in the Island of Patmos on the Lord’s Day. While others exiled like him were doing some other things, John chose to worship God and be in the Spirit. He had “Open Heaven” and was shown beautiful things of the latter events which will take place before the Lord’s Second Coming (Rev. 1: 9 – 11). God’s heaven was kept opened to all of the exiled people, but John went into the Spirit and saw wonders.
In the passage of John 1: 47 – 51, Nathaniel heard the word of Jesus and quickly believed Him. Jesus in turn assured Nathaniel that for hearing Him and believing in Him, He (Nathaniel) will see Heaven Opens and Angel of God will be ascending and descending. This means if we can hear the word of God and believe without doubt we can witness “Open Heaven” too. So many of us Christians are very much concerned with our earthly needs, physical problems facing us and too conscious of happenings around us that we fail to realize God’s open doors and windows over our head. When Jesus said “I am the way” or “I am the Door” He means that whoever is loss of where he/she is going should look up to Him. Or whoever thinks the doors to his/her success is locked should look up to Him.
Refusing to look up to Jesus as author and finisher of our faith forms the major reason for our hopelessness. As believers in God and Jesus, let us all know when to look up to heaven if things turn difficult or hopeless. God’s gate of heaven is always open, with angels of God ascending and descending to visit those who look up to heaven. The world, in its entirety has nothing good for us anymore other than terror, hopelessness, oppressions, hardships etc. With all these, God still keeps His Heaven’s gates open. Look up and you will discover angels ascending and descending to attend to you! Looking things upon the earth with the eyes of human perspectives gives discouragement and emotional depression. Look Up!
1. Pray to the Holy Spirit of God to always encourage your mind to look up to the hill, which is heaven above, to see helps coming to you in Jesus name (Psa. 121: 1-2).
2. Ask God in prayer to give you understanding of His Word so that you will keep His law always in Jesus name (Psa. 119: 34).