This topic of discussion is looking at another side other than the conventional believe generally taught and preached on “sowing and reaping.” The popular phrase of sowing and reaping tends to tell people that how much one gives to God determines how bountiful rewards God showered on the giver. This devotional is not trying to negate the above view, however, the “Sowing To Reap” here should be seen as the quality and quantity one commits to what is being done will determine the quality and quantity one receives. Those of us born into local farmers’ world understand this principle. We learnt from our parents that if you want to harvest healthy and hefty yams, for instance, you must plant heathy and good size of yam seedlings. This is applicable to all other crops.
Sowing to reap here points us to the principle of investing anything with the primary aim to get the best return from what one is investing. At the end of this discussion, in this series of the devotional, readers will know that principle of sowing to reap covers vast areas of life and living. The discussion will reveal that our gifts and talents are meant to be invested positively for positive harvest. Readers will see that the kind of character we exhibit gives result of what is exhibited. Readers will discover that if our services are directed to failure we reap failure; but if it is directed at good productivity we will get good and quality products. As Christians, what we have and how we invest it matters much to our upliftment or abasement.
It is unchristian attitude to start anything with the mind-set of failure. Anything started on a mind-set to fail will certainly result in failure. Those seen progressing in life, most often, sow their ideas, skills and talents in positive and cheerful spirit into their minds. In giving to God as touching offering, tithes and seed faith, the exercise has to be done outside of thinking of the bountiful harvests which will attended to the giving. It has to be done strictly on rendering good services to God. Believing that If you tithe in hundred, God will reward you in thousands is not sowing to reap, but tantamount to making God a “money magician”. Anything sown to the church of God with wrong notion will yield frustration. It is the giving with cheerful spirit void of immediate return from God that brings good harvest. Hear Pastor Joel Osteen: – “We will reap what we sow. When you do good for other people, that’s when God is going to make sure that His abundant blessings overtake you.”
Pray and ask the Holy Spirit of God, the great teacher of God’s children to teach you heaven’s kind of sowing to reap in the name of Jesus Christ.