Yesterday’s devotional ended with a statement about one whose heart is desperately wicked. Today’s focus of the devotional is building on the same scripture. The phrase “desperately wicked” connotes one with a heart terminally sick with wickedness. A desperate person moves like winds changing directions. The total inner content of a desperate heart is nothing but evil. Any gift given by a desperate minded person goes with a “promise of death”. A desperate person hardly gives out favour without telling the favoured person what will happen to him or her if what is wanted fails. This means when a desperate person extends hands of help, he attached what the person who is helped must do for him/she. Failure to do what is wanted ends the one helped in troubles.
A desperate person may be outwardly dinning and winning with you, but the heart is not with you. Jesus referred to this in Matthew 15: 8. Whatever a desperate person is giving out is what the Bible qualifies as “bread gained by deceit” which will turn to gravel in the mouth (Prov. 20: 17). The last trait to point at here is that, the desperate person lives daily with total mind of depravity. The minds of desperate people are morally corrupt, perverted and dominated with impairment of virtue. A desperate mind is full of degenerated acts or practices.
It is not funny therefore, to see evil practices, highest level of moral and religious decays going on in the 21st Century world. Many human beings are no longer interested in virtuous living any more. Many people have swallowed up pills of depravity and living with extreme desperation to get things. The doctrine of virtue taught by Christianity years back is fading away these days because people with minds given to depravity are on the increase. The living Christians of this age are saddle with great commission to preach righteousness and virtuousness to subdue the gospel of greed, desperation and inimical prosperity. Satan seems to be in the last minute of the war and has caused lots of evil to the true message of faith. Advise to Christians here is not to be tied of doing good works.
Pray, asking God who nothing is too difficult for Him to do to devour spirit of desperation and depravity from the hearts and minds of people in Jesus name.