There are cries everywhere! Cries of the hungry masses as well as cries of the neglected and the less privileged. There are cries from human abattoirs where people are being slaughtered for whatever reason. There are cries from the camps of the kidnapped and war prisoners. There are cries in homes of abusers of marriages. There are midnight cries of people being robbed and raped. Cries, cries, and cries nonstop. The perpetrators of the cries enjoy the agonizing music with believe that God will do nothing about it! Globally, the cries of the afflicted are everywhere. Question is: Does God hear the cries? There are biblical answers to the question if God hears the cries of the afflicted.
The afflicted are those being visited with sufferings caused upon them by fellow humans. The afflicted are the oppressed in any society. The afflicted are those who are being subjected to suffering by people who take advantage of them for self-gains. God is He who avenges the afflicted. The afflicters may think God do them nothing, but a Psalmist has this to say: “For He who avenges murder cares for the helpless. He does not ignore the cries of those who suffer” (Psalms 9: 12 Africa Study Bible). We are living in a world that millions of people cease opportunities to make gains from the suffering less privileged. Many leaders are taking advantage of insecurities, endemic and pandemic diseases, wars and social crises to enrich themselves. They are the afflicters while those suffering under them are the afflicted.
It may seem good for the afflicters of the oppressed, the poor and the afflicted today, but their tomorrow will be filled with sorrows and regrets. The second passage of this devotional has hopeful word for those under affliction of any kind. It says: – “He will rescue the poor when they cry to him; he will help the oppressed who have no one to defend them. He feels pity for the weak and the needy, and he will rescue them. He will redeem them from oppression and violence, for they are precious to Him” (Psalms 72: 12-14 Africa Study Bible). The Beloved in Christ, may be you have wondered why you seem to have been set aside for oppressions; and have concluded that God no longer hear cries of the afflicted. You can now have a change of mind. God still hears the cries of the afflicted.
Father, God of heaven and the earth, thank you for showing me that you still hear the cries of the afflicted like me. Kindly give me courage and faith to table my cases before you today as I believe you will rescue me from all. I pray in Jesus name.