Yesterday’s devotional ought to have been a hope and faith restoring piece to those who have concluded that God does not hear their cries, especially when troubles seem larger than their comprehension. However, reading through few passages of the Bible as brought forward yesterday shows that God hears our cries and responds to them positively. We are in a world that gospel of trusting God absolutely seem irrelevant due to untold hardships, criminalities, brutal wickedness and so many indescribable injustices globally. Those in powers are turning satanical and oppossers of God in everything. With things like these, many tend to forget God’s power of intervention He had extended to mankind before. But the Bible says here: “He does not forget the cry of the humble” (Psa. 9: 12b NKJV). Other Bible version uses “the afflicted” for ‘the humble’ here.
It does not look good to God for us His children to forget His past helps and deliverances extended to us when a seemly bigger trouble or affliction shows up. God who did that miracle for you five years back will still do it again. He had severally saved you from “minor accidents” which should have taken your life. Remember! He had many times provided food on your table when it seemed no one will eat in your house. Can’t you remember? Your ability to sleep, wake up the next day, sleep again and woke up the next other days is great works of God’s responses to your desire! Will you still think on this fact? God hears the cries of His children, including you reading this devotional. He hears your audible cries, the inner agonizing thoughts, your groaning on the inside, even though they are not expressed verbally.
Events globally may fit one’s conclusion that God does not hear cries of Christians. Please know that this is untrue. Things would have been far worst if God has been silent over the cries of His children. If not that God answers the cries of His people, Christianity would have been wiped out in many nations in the world today. God actually delays in responding to our cries to Him some times. This does not mean He does not answer the prayers and cries of His people. That you are passing through difficult moments and still live without taking your life with your hands shows that God is He who is encouraging you to wait till when He will answer you. The Bible says this: “You hear, O LORD, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them and listen to their cry, defending the helpless and the oppressed, in order that man who is of the earth, may terrify no more” (Psalms 10: 17-18 NIV). The beloved, I may not know how weighty are your problems; I may not know how long you have been praying. My faithful counsel today is, believe that God will answer your cries to Him.
Father LORD, encourage your children worldwide to be strong in faith waiting for the days you will attend to their cries in prayers in the name of Jesus Christ. Blessed Holy Spirit, give me grace to depend on God enough so as to wait till He answers my cries in the name of Jesus Christ.