We can now agree that lying is a huge issue for many people, including Christians. At the same time, we can believe that God hates lying tongues very seriously. Proverbs 12: 22 says “The LORD detests lying lips…; meaning He hates lying lips very much. As seen in yesterday’s devotional, Ananias and his wife Sapphira died for lying to Jesus’ Apostles which was taken for lying to the Holy Spirit. The seriousness of reward for lying here is seen in the sudden dead of the spouse. Today, many might dismiss this as fairy tales. Every genuine religion ought to kick against lying habits because such is an abomination to God. Abomination here simply means greatly disgusted.
God allowed the Israelites to kill whoever lied by being a false witness to another fellow if such an action is investigated and discovered been false (Deut. 19: 16-21). Lying is found amongst the sins that take people to hell fire, even though many these days never believe that there is hell fire for sinners (Rev. 21: 8). It can be seen that a fortune made by people who tell lies amounts to nothing and leads to death… (Proverbs 21: 6, 8). Looking into history books will unveil great numbers of people who have told lies to make wealth. But at the end of it all they amounted to nothing and died wretchedly. Unfortunately, the world is so glued to lying for the temporary benefits derived from it that they glorify any lie no matter its consequence.
Another serious angle to look at God’s feeling about lying tongues is how Jesus spoke about lying. Jesus sees everyone who lies as a child of Satan. Whoever keeps lying is doing the evil things Satan does which include lying (John 8: 44). If God sees liars as children of Satan it then means He will not regard any liar as His own. This takes us back to Rev. 21: 8 where liars are amongst the people that were separated from God and dragged to hell. The beloved, we have given you enough Biblical evidences how God feels about lying. It has been observed that many are lying and still lying. But whoever makes efforts to depart from deliberate lying habit can still be saved.
Holy Spirit, it is you alone who will equip my lips with speaking truth at all time. Left with myself I will be bound up to lying lips. I sincerely beg you today to renew my tongues and lips from constant lying in the name of Jesus Christ.