This devotional is focusing on the consequences lying tongues have on any nation. A piece co-written by Scott Wiltermuth, David Newman and Medha Raj, captioned: ‘The Consequences of Dishonesty’ said: “Lying can be cognitively depleting, it can increase the risk that people will be punished, it can threaten people’s self-worth by preventing them from seeing themselves as good people, and it generally erode trust in society.” This quote talks much on danger of seeing people in a nation all telling lies to each other. How can a nation exist when her people don’t trust themselves, see themselves as worthless fellows, and relate with each with fear and doubts? Nation that her people lie is a nation given to self-destructions. Almost all the people in such a nation will be driven by desires for gain and little by little build up lying habits. In a process, they end up in killing themselves and dying in lies (James 1: 14 – 15).
Biblically, it is discovered that in a nation that her people lie many sins spring up. This is because almost everybody speaks in divergent words that contradict and counter contradict. The Bible refers to this as “multitude of word”. The Bible says: “In the multitude of words, sin is not lacking (Prov. 10: 19). As read in the devotional of March 10, that Jesus said liars are children of their father who is Satan; a nation with many people lying has no Spirit of truth who will guide the people into truth. What this translates is, that the people are dominated by false spirits, teaching wrong things and moving people to doing evil. Jesus said that the words He speaks are truth and life. No other word from any source gives life.
Bitterness of life dominates a nation where most of her people tell lies. Parents bring bitterness to their children they lie to and the children do the same. In trying to outwit one another every lying people add lie to lies to remain on top. Through this inflation grows astronomically, killing of human beings grows out of proportions and criminalities are on increase daily. The central government of a nation that her people lie have no control of anything. In a nation where her people tell lies evidences of killing innocent peoples abounds. There vices are seen in lying to take landed properties of the common people, seizing people’s wealth forcefully, sending people who are not criminals to jails while the criminals are left shielding the people in governments, and lots more. All these increase bitterness and sorrow amongst the people. Only God will help such a nation.
JEHOVAH OUR FATHER, look into the nation that her people have traded falsehood for truth and raise for them people fill up with lips of truth and honesty in the name of Jesus Christ.