The word “Covenant” cannot be new to the ears of either Christians or the natives of any country. This is because people world over engage themselves in one covenant or the other, even from the ancient of days. This is the same with “THE BLOOD COVENANT” that will be discussed in three series. This devotional series came as an assignment from God via my wife on March 9, 2023. This is really a big task as the topic has attracted volumes of writings and teachings from so many secular scholars and religious professors. Today’s devotional will glide through general and simple presentations of the word “covenant” for good understanding of “The Blood Covenant”.
The word “covenant” came from Latin, Greek and Hebrew words with almost root identical meanings. The Latin word ‘venire’ is rendered covenant with literal meaning of “to come together” or “to agree.” The Hebrew word from which covenant is derived from is ‘beriyth’ meaning “binding agreement or promises with vow or oath between two persons for relationships.” Among the Greeks there are two words for covenant. One is ‘diatheke’ meaning a binding agreement between a benefactor and a recipient; that is between one giving what is promised to the one receiving. The second one is ‘suntheke’ and is a covenant the two parties involve themselves equally. Unlike process of contract, covenant is a “binding agreement or promises with vow or oath between two persons in relationships.” Pastor Malcolm Smith, in his 304 pages’ book dedicated to “The Power of Blood Covenant” said that “covenant Is a binding, unbreakable obligation between two parties, based on unconditional love…” But it has to be known that covenant is far above just making promises to abide together.
There are fearsome side of going for covenant with someone, two tribes or nations. (1) Covenant is made with a vow or an oath that bind the one party to the fulfillment of what is promised the other party. (2) The vows or the oaths made during covenant go to God directly, making God a witness to everything. (3) Those going through the covenant make God a third party to the covenant and (4) Once a covenant is made with oath, it becomes nonnegotiable and not meant to be altered afterward. Defaulting or breaching terms of covenant goes with deadly consequences. King David was aware of all these, reason he sought for anyone from Jonathan’s lineage to be brought to him when he became overall King over the Israelites. He brought Mephibosheth into the Palace and restored everything taken from his grandfather, King Saul back. The greatest consequences are found in “Blood Covenant” upon many who partook in it but later defaulted the vows or oaths made.
Think of how as individual or tribe or nation your people have carelessly defaulted vows and oaths made through whatever promises. Could the surging problems and evil happenings in the world be associated with this action? Ask God for mercy and forgiveness on everyone in Jesus name.