This devotional proffers suggested steps to take so as to make marriage fire to start burning again. That marriage fire power supply begins fluctuating does not mean the fire is extinguished. There are efforts to make which will rekindle the fire of love in marriage. The first suggestion is “returning to your first love of the marriage. The couple are advised to think back how they started the love that culminated into marriage. Take stocks of those things done to win each other’s heart before going to the altar to answer “Yes I do”, and return back to them. When Jesus saw that the church of Ephesus had allowed her first love she had for Him gone out, He asked them to return to that first love. God told the people of Jerusalem to “Remember how eager they were to please me as a young bride long ago, how you loved me and followed me even through the barren wilderness.” (Jeremiah. 2: 4 Africa Study Bible). Returning to the first love of marriage frequently solves lots of marriage sicknesses.
Next step is to make effort to reconcile conflicts which divide you and your spouse. This is the effective ways marriage fire outage can be rekindled. When going through steps of reconciliation, each of you must admit that you are as guilty as your partner. Don’t see faults in each other. After this, seek for forgiveness from each other. Reconciling and forgiving one another softens the hearts. It is when after reconciliation is established and forgiveness has taken place that good communication will be achieved. Another step is being deliberate to provoke your love to love your spouse. Make sure you work yourselves into embarking on “godly actions” which bring fort love out of each of you, towards one another. The Bible says: “Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works (Heb. 10: 24). Love actually provokes others to love and takes care of problem of inaction of not being good to each other.
It is very important also to prune yourselves of sinful actions within which might constitute hate and anger from your spouse towards you. What this is saying is that, should you have weakness in cheating on your spouse; or find it hard to be trusted as well as inability to deal with easily besetting sins in your life, do anything possible to shake off those sins. This is what Apostle Paul referred to as “…do works befitting repentance” (Acts 26: 20). Lastly, embark on Daily Preventive Maintenance on yourself. This simply says taking precaution to avoid what could breed trouble in the marriage. Preventive maintenance can be servicing those good behaviours of the marriage so as to keep it going smoothly. As one builds a good fire by constant vigilance and attention, so you must be diligent to show your kindness and affection to one another in marriage. Actions such as these as suggested rekindle marriage fire outage.
Pray, asking God to grant you gift of self-discipline or self-control that will enable you resolve every noted issues in marriage that could brew marriage fire outage of your marriage in the name of Jesus Christ.