Humility is simply defined as freedom from pride or arrogance. The feeling or attitude that you have no special importance that makes you better than others. It is withdrawal from arrogance of our ego. It is characterized as genuine gratitude, having a modest view of one ’s self. Biblical humility is grounded in the nature of God, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matt 11: 29). Humility and meekness often are interrelated as both are righteous traits for serving the will of God.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on own understanding” (Prov. 3: 5). Humility entails that we must have faith that God will lead us in the best way to live and avoid temptation. Leaning on the understanding, wisdom, and divinity of God shows us the righteous path through prayer, meditation, fasting, and absolute dependence on Him. Prov. 22: 4 “humility is the fear of the Lord”. Humility also involves fearing the consequences of neglecting God’s commands for truths, love, and mercy etc.
Humility is important because it is directly related to the deadly consequences of pride, because pride separates us from God. Humility is revealed through learning from and following God’s word, living a life that reflects God’s word, respect, truth and service to God and others Prov. 3: 5 – 8. Humility is revealed in our lives when we see God as bigger than ourselves and respect others as his creation. It is also when we recognize as leaders, that we are not here to be served but to serve God and others in a way that the world will see Jesus through us. It is offering our lives to see the love of Christ for them in us.
Greatness in God’s eyes is seen through humble services, it doesn’t come from high position of leadership or authority. God is opposed to the proud. A biblical reality is that pride leads to destruction, God hates whoever is proud, He will not help such a person and will judge that individual.
Help us Oh God to drop arrogance and ego, enable us to put on the garment of humility so that we can be exalted. Help us not to maltreat people under us when we occupy positions of authority.