The world, since time immemorial, has never been freed of leaders thinking and reasoning far beyond the normal comprehension of people seeing or hearing them. In time past, many world leaders have arrogantly talked; misbehaved, promulgated laws or enacted decrees which the aftermaths left behind sorrows and pains in the life of the led. This devotional is looking at irrational behaviours of earthly leaders. The devotional is talking of taking decisions or actions which are not logical to reasoning. We have had leaders in this world who have misbehaved towards God; or had directly insulted God or stupidly treated human beings with every level of harshness. In one of the lead texts above, the Bible speaks of the shepherds who are stupid because they no longer seek counsel from the LORD before doing things (Jeremiah 10: 21). Africa Study Bible puts it as “The shepherds of my people have lost their senses…” Leaders lost in senses are arrogant and behave irrationally in most times.
In the second lead text above, we see how King Saul took irrational decision without consulting God when he placed curse upon Israeli soldiers with oath. He said anyone of them who eat any food that day before evening will be killed. How could such decision be pronounced on soldiers in battle field who have been besieged, and, distressed by the Philistine forces for a considerable long time? The Bible has it that the Philistine soldiers were 6000 horsemen and troops who were as numerous as the sand on the Seashore. This was the force Jonathan and his armor bearer sneaked out to attack. After Jonathan finished fighting the Philistines and very weak and famine, he saw dripping honey and dipped his staff into it and ate the honey for regaining of strength. His father, on hearing this ordered that Jonathan has to be killed (1 Sam. 14: 42 – 45). Very irrational decision and behaviour!
Our earthly leaders are full of this behaviour. Because they have the powers, authorities and the influences, they give themselves to placing people on difficult restrictions without thinking how the restrictions will affect the general publics. The funniest thing is that the restrictions apply to neither them nor those close to them. The irrational behaving leaders care more of protecting their egos rather than the welfare of those under them. Back to King Saul, he wanted to kill Jonathan not because God was angry with what Jonathan did, but to project his image and authority. He felt highly slighted that Jonathan disobeyed him. Any nation full of irrational leaders destroys more lives than protecting and preserving lives. May God give the world leaders who rule with decisions of God!
Holy Father, we have all gone stupid ruling ourselves like brutes, taking and behaving irrationally. For this reason love and peace have eluded the world. Kindly restore us back to the days your directions lead our leaders in Jesus name.