Yesterday’s devotional gave us a rundown of how leaders, from time immemorial, have taken irrational decisions or actions out of their egoistic impulse without recourse to God’s directions. We were told that many people have been destroyed as result of this action. King Saul was used to illustrate the discussion. He made fasting compulsory for his soldiers who have been besieged for long. They had become weak and famished; yet King Saul gave his decree on oath without caring for the negative effect the decree will have on the soldiers. King Pharaoh made decree to kill every first male born to the Hebrews (Exodus 1: 15 – 16). King Herod gave same order to kill every new male child born within two years down so as to kill Jesus Christ (Matt. 2: 16 – 18).
The parable of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16: 18 – 31); whom the rich man refused feeding but allowed dogs to leak up his sores illustrated irrationally behaved person. Many world leaders did much of this wickedness. They have ordered killing of the less privileged taken for disturbing their peace as they go to begging for help. It is inhuman for a leader to conceive murderous mind toward those he or she has power and authority over. It is irrational behaviour when you refuse to acknowledge that your labourers deserve insentives on the rigorous works they do or entitled to sleep on a comfortable bed after the day’s hectic works. When you are leading and become insensitive to the plights of those working for you, you are showing irrational behaviour. God will really be angry with you.
Today’s devotional appeals to leaders in religious organizations, traditional lords, political leaders and the secular societies to always be rational enough when dealing with people. The person you looked down upon last year might be appointed to decide your fate in a year to come. God has ways of demoting any great personality and promote the lowest individuals to be King over the former. The prayers of Hanna and that of Jesus’ mother reflected this. Hanna said in her prayers: “He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them in seats of honour for all the earth is the LORD’s and He has set the world in order” (1 Sam. 2: 8 Africa Study Bible). In Mary’s prayers, she said this: “He has brought down princess from their thrones and exalted the humble. He has filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away with empty hands” (Luke 1: 52 – 53; Africa Study Bible).
Oh LORD GOD, the Almighty and maker of heaven and the earth, help me to overcome spirit of arrogance and irrational behaviours in the name of Jesus Christ.