In this devotional series, we are looking at the word “betrayal” beyond giving out information, or secret, about somebody to an enemy. Betrayal involves more distrusted actions of a friend or relation who is well trusted which hurt one trusting the other. It can simply mean unexpected violation of trust by someone close to you. Betrayal could come in form of broken promise, harsh word or slanderous accusation, extramarital affair, jilting etc. We have, as human beings, all suffered the emotional pains of betrayal at some points in our lives. Betrayal hurts, results in feeling rejected that demoralizes the person who was betrayed. The pain of betrayal is real, hurts deeply and takes a long time, perhaps a lifetime to heal. We must accept that betrayal produces bitterness, hate, unforgiveness, loss of hope, disillusion etc., in the life of one being betrayed. There is need therefore, to deal with it as Christians when it comes. Let us look at two points today.
KNOW THAT ANYONE CAN DISAPPOINT YOU: As Christians, the first thing to do when being betrayed is looking at how Jesus Christ our Lord and Model of life handled betrayal. Jesus was not only betrayed by Judas Iscariot but by all His Disciples apart from John the beloved. Peter, James and John betrayed Him when they failed to pray along with Him in the Garden of Gethsemane. All the Apostles deserted Him during His arrest and trials. Peter denied knowing Him publicly. All these carry evidences of betrayal. How then did He deal with it all? Jesus knew that every human can disappoint one’s trust any day. Jesus knew that Judas Iscariot has the potentials to betray Him, so He commissioned him (John 13: 26 – 27). Jesus saw ahead that Peter would deny Him. So He prayed for Peter secretly ahead, then revealed it to Peter (John 13: 31).
TRY NOT TO BE BITTER FOR LONG: Harbouring bitterness against one who has betrayed you will keep you in prison of rejection; first self-rejection that will tell you that you are finished, then rejecting the one who hurts you. The Bible advised us to get rid of all bitterness (Eph. 4: 31 NIV). Bitterness increases grief, sorrows, depressions and prolong anger. All these are agents that destroy life with sicknesses and diseases. Sicknesses and diseases bring about weaknesses that place limitation on creative ideas which help us make exploits in life. We should always note that it is normal to feel bad when betrayed, but it is good to deal with the bitterness that accompanied it. Satan had used bitterness of heart to destroy us for long. The beloved, there is a believe that you are still dying of betrayal effects. Please deal with it now.
Blessed Father, give me the heart of Jesus in terms of how to know people and their likelihood to betray me and prepare my heart ahead so as to forgive them in Jesus name.