As seen in yesterday’s devotional, everything God did on earth and in heaven is wonderfully exhibited. He is simply God of Wonders! Today’s devotional will focus on two anatomy features of human being amazingly designed. The presentations of these feature are merely layman’s understanding void of professional knowledge of them. We see how the Psalmist awesomely wondered how intricately God made mankind wonderfully in Psalms 8: 8 and 139: 14. There, the Bible records that: “What is man that thou art mindful of him? And a son of man, that thou visitest him? Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels… (Psa. 8: 4). He looked inward to how God designed him and said: “I will give you thanks and praise to you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are your works. And my soul knows it very well (Psa. 139: 14 NIV).
Today’s devotional will look at how wonderfully God designed human muscles and the nervous system in the body. God equally design the muscular systems of all human beings alike, regardless of height and sizes. All human beings have about 600 to 650 muscles controlling various movements of the body. God grouped them into three major categories. He made the “Skeletal Muscles”, connected them to the bone tendons facilitating the body movements. God again designed the “Smooth Muscles” which are responsible for the movements of organs such as the digestive and the respiratory systems. The third group is the “Cardiac Muscles” found in the hearts. These muscles are in charge of our hearts beats.
The next anatomy wonder works of God is the Nervous System. God actually carefully and mindfully crafted this amazing system that carry messages from the brain to and from the spinal cord to every part of the body. Like the muscular systems, the nervous system ensures that each organ system such as the cardiovascular, gastro intestinal and the immune systems adequately communicate with one another. God again divided the nervous system into various working assignments. The central nervous system is made of the brain and spinal cord nerves taking messages to and fro the brain and the spinal cord. We have the somatic and autonomic nervous systems too. The somatic nervous system works with the body tissues and body organs. Autonomic nervous system work in the vertebrate and the cardiac tissues of the body by governing the involuntary actions of human beings. What a marvelous “God Of Wonders?”
1. Pray, thanking God for taken all Hs time to have created you this fearfully and wonderfully in this world as a human being.
2. Sincerely pray to God asking Him never to allow you waste your precious bodies serving demons and Satan anymore in Jesus name.