As said from the beginning of this devotional series, there are so much to look into while discussing God Of Wonders. Just very few have been selected and discussed. There is one exceptional wonder works of God that many avoid discussing in life. Those who delved into the discussion are usually taken for not too sound in mind. The nature of this wonder work of God appears scaring and a reminder of what many people never desire in life. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is the must sure thing bound to happen to all living beings. What this devotional is considering today amongst the wonder work of God is DEATH. Many people go about in life planning how to be established, become leaders in the society, becoming very rich and wealthy above others etc. but many hardly think of death or plan for the day of dying. In today’s devotional, we will be looking at what happens to life that brings death into existence. This means, what physically takes place when someone dies. In the lead text above, Job tries to look at the mystery or wonders of death.
It is a thing to wonder and be confused that a human being who goes about agile, full of wisdom, strength, plans, business proposals etc., will just go off in death with life gone forever. Thinking positively and devotedly about how God allows death will make all human beings appreciate God as “God Of Wonders.” Simple analysis here. Where does the blood go after dead? What went wrong with the sensitive nervous systems? Why is it that soon after one dies he/she no longer hear sounds, feel pans, and never again responds to external events? According to information published by, many things happen physically at early period one dies.
When death comes, vital functions of the body stops entirely. This means the respiration system controlling breathing and heart beat suddenly stopped as well as the brain stops pumping blood to the whole body. Within one hour after death all muscles in the body relax, eye lids lose their tension, the jaw might fall open and the body joints and limbs first become flexible but latter stiffen making it hard to bend. It is an amazing thing to notice that the intricate systems God imputed into mankind all fail abruptly at death. God is truly a “God of Wonders.” This devotional closes with caution to those taking life too serious as if there will be death. Job asked a pertinent question thus: “If a man dies, shall he live again?” (Job 14: 14). my brother and sisters, in all your recklessness in life pursuing everything, if you die now (God forbid) will you still live to enjoy them?
Pray, asking God to focus your mind on how your end of life will come, whether sudden or in a longer future so that you will not miss His Blessings here on the earth and over there in heaven.