Yesterday’s devotional picked on Mathias from the Bible as an example of one who wasted an opportunity to be a selected Apostle to take the place of Judas Iscariot. English Dictionary defined opportunity as: “…a situation in which makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do.” It is not out of context to say that whatever one is given to do, either he wanted it or someone desired the person to do is an opportunity. Without you, there could be many others that can fit into the job or the position. So when a given time, money, appointment etc. is not used effectively to produce good result, the failure becomes a wasted opportunity. Today’s devotional will bring up some kind of people who wasted their given opportunities. Let us begin with Jesus’s Parable of a man going on journey who distributed talents to his servants. He gave five to one, and two to the other and one to the last other respectively.
The two servants invested their talents (call it money) into profit yielding business. The servant who got one buried the talent waiting for the master’s return. Their master gave them a chance to turn their talents to make gains. The servants who invested their money in business got the capitals and the interests back as their rewards. But the one servant who buried his talent wasted his opportunity and lost everything. This parable is not only about the Kingdom of God but am illustration informing us that God gave us skills, gifts and talents for us to establish ourselves with them. the wiser ones are those ruling in businesses, academic world and in other things. Greater numbers are seen in the streets begging for foods and going into criminalities blaming the devils.
The beloved, know that God gave us what we have to effectively make use of them to produce good results. It is an opportunity to know how to drive others, it is an opportunity to be given admission into school to learn new things for excellent production. It is an opportunity to become a creative artist or performing artiste. It is an opportunity to become a chef or restaurant Director. Facts are that some drivers wasted their opportunities by cheating on their bosses which terminated their careers. Many who gained admissions to school turned to different unprintable things and ended up coming out with failures. Some with gifts of creative artists and artistes corrupted their talents and turned to entertaining demons. Many food vendors introduced chemicals to their foods and become murderers having their restaurants closed down. All the mentioned people here wasted their opportunities. My beloved, which group are you? Will you too waste your opportunities?
Jehovah my Father, I realize today that whatever you have given me was to be used for effective and good results. I have failed myself in so many ways thereby wasted my opportunities. Please Father, restore my gifts, talents and skill to me in Jesus name.