There has been scenario in churches, at home and in crusade grounds where servants of God seem to ordering God to do certain things. Such scenario has caused some people leaving Christianity. In Christian gatherings some servants of God often talk at God to heal, kill, or does certain things in an ordering voices. The episode is on the increase these days. There was a story told about a man called Robert G. Ingersoll, an atheist who wanted to prove to his students that God is not an Almighty; by asking God to strike him dead within the next five minutes if He is truly an Almighty God. God did not do that and some Christians there seemed uncomfortable with their faith in God. It was only one lady who said to her friend that, Ingersoll seemed to have proved something that night. She said the Atheist only proved that God does take orders from atheist. Today’s devotional believes that God does not take orders, not only from atheists but from any person who foolishly wants to order God around for personal interests or ego.
Many were heard getting angry with God for not responding to their prayers as wanted. Most Christians want God to answer their prayers with accelerated speed like the light speed. God cannot be forced to answer our prayers as exactly as we prayed. It was not only Robert G. Ingersoll that asked God to kill him within five minutes and God did not respond. Moses prayed the kind of prayer but God kept quiet as seen in Numbers 11: 15 – 23 above. Prophet Elijah prayed to be killed by God, for he is not better than his people. Still God kept mute (1 Kings 19: 4). Till date, people are praying such prayers at hopeless moments while God keeps watching. If God should answer man’s prayers as he wants, no human being ought to have been in this world again.
Enough facts are in the Bible, how God answers prayers instantly, but that does not mean He will just give you whatever you asked for. A writer said that:- “God “…always has greater purposes than just being a genie who will grant our wishes.” The word “genie” means a supernatural creature who does one’s bidding when summoned. Those who expect God’s answers to their prayers instantly and exactly should go to schools of how to wait for God’s favourable timing. We are, in a world full of anxieties and trepidations which has given many people emotional disorder. This is making many people losing the ability to wait on God patiently till His favourable time to answer our prayers. The Beloved. One of the best attributes of a faithful Christian is ability to wait on God till His time comes.
JEHOVAH MY FATHER, I know that I am compressed at all sides by Satanic and demonic pressures. But give me ability to wait until you will answer my prayers in Jesus name.