The topic of discussion today has ignited many theological, academic, apologetic, logical arguments among Christians and secular learned people. The bone of contention is whether there are seven Spirits or one Spirit of the Lord that came upon Jesus. In this discussion, the focus is on Christian life application of the Spirit of the LORD. Today’s discussion will explain, in plain term, The Spirit of the LORD by the characteristic of what the Bible described the Spirit. The Bible says in part: “And the Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him; the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD” (Isa. 11: 2). By classification, we could be right to say there are Seven Spirits of the LORD on Jesus. Biblically, it is same Spirit of the LORD and not many different spirits from other sources. Apostle Paul said in 1 Cor. 12: 4 – 11 that Christians gifts are given by the same Holy Spirit.
There are several places in the Old Testament that the Spirit of the LORD came upon people that made them performed extraordinary things. When the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon in Judges 3: 10, he became a judge and a great warrior who judges Israel and led them to wars. After the Spirit of the LORD came upon Gideon in Judges 6: 34, Gideon could assemble great nationals of the Abiezrites at the sound of his trumpet. It was when the Spirit of the LORD came upon King Saul that another “heart entered into him after Samuel poured anointing Oil on him (1 Sam. 10: 9 – 10). In 1 Samuel 16: 13 – 14, we are told that after Samuel anointed David King, the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon David from that day forward.
By application, anyone who the Spirit of the LORD comes upon can operate in diverse ways miraculously or extraordinarily. It was the coming of the Spirit of the LORD upon Ezekiel that empowered him to be a powerful Prophet (Ezek. 11: 6). The Spirit of the LORD came upon Jesus and anointed Him to bring good news to the afflicted; bind up the broken hearted and proclaim liberty to the captives as well as freedom to the prisoners (Isa. 61: 1; Luke 4: 18). One Dr. Patricia Green described the Spirit of the LORD as “Power, Supremacy, Influence, clout” etc. Pastor Oyahkilome described the Spirit of the LORD as “the Spirit of LORDSHIP of the power of God.” All the wonderful teachings of Jesus, going places doing good work tirelessly, teaching and discerning things in the hearts of people and so many others, were by the influences of the Spirits we will be studying in the next twelve days. We will look at them, see how they reflected in the ministry of Jesus and see how we can live by them. Receive grace to follow us faithfully. You will not regret anything.
JEHOVAH EL-SHADAHI, I taste for the Spirit of the LORD upon my life in this present world so as to do your miraculous and mighty works to the glory of your name. There are lots to be done by your servants in this world, grant them more unction for great functions in Jesus name.