Acquiring counsel from the Spirit of the LORD is very important and useful to every Christian. It makes one capable of guiding people, instructing them on how to live and manage lives as well as how to handle their lives to live a good life; that does not bring God’s wrath upon individuals. This means we all need the Spirit of counsel. Refusing to allow God’s counsels through the Spirit of the LORD attracts God’s wrath. We can see how God spelt out harsh things He will do to the nations that seek not His counsel and understanding in Deut. 32: 21-28. In another development, the Spirit Counsel that the LORD bestows upon individuals enables them handle various things in live.
Today’s devotional is encouraging Christians to always thirst for the presence of the Spirit of Counsel in their lives. The Spirit of Counsel enables us guide people to know where to get landed properties for their living houses. The families of Dan were able to know God’s mind for where they can inherit by going to Prophet Micah for counsel (Judges 18: 5). There can never be controversy if it is said that the world of today is in various problems because she has refused to take counsels or instructions from God. Those of us with the Spirit of Counsel are to use the gift to redirect the world toward better ways of businesses, good religions, human based political policies etc. Those who receive instructions from God are known as the wise people in Prov. 19: 20. They are to use the instructions received to advise the world on the mind of God for the world.
Let this fact be stated, that the more Christians withhold their wisdom gained from God from the world, the more confusion will engulf the people of this world. Many nations have changed policies and economic strategies so as to create conducive living standards for their citizens. But because these nations bypassed God’s counsels, they kept failing their plans. Christians with the Spirit of Counsel can give their people vital advice on how to even wage wars against their enemies. Reason Proverbs 24: 6 says: “So don’t go to war without wise guidance; victory depends on having many advisers” (Africa Study Bible). The more we Christians make our heart ready to receive counsel from the LORD, the more we will be getting spiritually wiser and wiser. The Bible said that the heart of those with Spirit of Counsel receive instructions from God at night while others are sleeping as can be seen in Psalms 16: 7. This is quite incredible!
Pray and ask God to make you a reservoir of the Counsel of the Spirit the LORD as this will make you a wise personally and great guidance to the community you live with in this world.