Yesterday’s devotional slightly touched few things happening in our world of today which if critically analyzed, will send fear to every human spine. There are more of the signs predicted by Apostle Paul in his days which are happening today. In today’s devotional, an attempt will be made to bring up stories published in Social Media on horrible things happening these days and linking them to the Bible predictions of prophecies which can be interpreted as danger signals. We are hearing cases of kidnappings, provocative massacres of innocent people. While this can be agreed that hate between human beings orchestrated it, the other revelation has it that different parts of the human bodies killed are severed, prepared and sold out to people. Within this, men penises, kidneys, women private parts and breasts are being exported from one country to another freely. If this continues unabated, time will come that human beings might go extinct if Jesus tarries.
These days, it is no crime to see group of men or women raping someone to death and still cut the rapped into pieces with some vital organs missing. The bottom line of this is love of money which the Bible says is root of all evil (1 Tim. 6: 10). Apostle Paul did said that those who allowed themselves caught in the web of the love of money end up usually been ruined by the money. Many who concluded on getting rich and wealthy at all cost have died or got caught by security agents serving years of incarceration behind the bars. Apostle Paul predicted that getting to the age of perilous time, many will become lovers of selves, proud and rebellious against God (2 Tim. 3: 1 – 7). There has never been a period love of selves has taken the center stage of life like now.
Today’s devotional agrees that the most dangerous thing seeing today that may result to catastrophic end of this age is total rejection of God as our makers. These days, many are turning away from God, claiming to be god and even more powerful than God. Many world leaders are promulgating laws to stop Christianity in their countries. This will certainly incurs the wrath of God upon the world. Some other world leaders are into changing the natural ways human beings are created into a being of their choice. These are capable of resulting to the total destruction of our today’s world. Regrettably, many are neither seeing the danger coming nor the anger of God behind it all. Could there be anyone somewhere else seeing the danger? Let those seeing the danger speak against it now. Tomorrow many be too late. When the days of God’s wrath will come He will deal with everyone keeping quite from warning the world over sinful or wicked practices as seen in (Ezekiel 3: 18 – 19).
JEHOVAH MY FATHER, grant me the boldness to speak against the evils going on in this world of ours. Give me the wisdom to put my words appropriately in Jesus name.