Presences of dangers in our societies are not fictions but facts. Akin to human behaviours, we see dangers and take away our minds from them. We create dangers and fill that they will not overwhelm us in due times. Any danger created today lives to destroy us tomorrow. This is what today’s devotional is set to explore. Today, many nations are sitting on either time-bomb or keg of gunpowder, put together by the political leaders as well as some religious leaders. Whatever problem facing us today are seeds of what we have sown either by decision taken selfishly, policies implemented dubiously to enrich ourselves or hate created through religious bigotries. Decisions taken to repay violence with violence have left the world with merciless killings all over the globe. Those who began the devilish policies see the dangers, yet they allowed them.
Desperate politicians are reason for the many societal problems facing us today. They saw the danger that would befall the society if some youths are introduced to handling life fire arms. Others are made to smoking weeds; taking drugs and registering with secret societies which have hidden plan to kill other political opponents. Still they went ahead to introduce the youths as well as initiating them. Many countries today have nominal constitutions with secret amended documents which favour the ruling politicians. The desperate politicians know that putting very old people in powers is unhealthy to economy, yet, they are making such compulsory for the common citizens. As one gets older, much money is spent on medical attentions, food supplements and health aids. Many Third World leaders borrow to execute projects with ulterior motives to share the money. The financial implication is known. Yet they go for the loans.
We have had some countries with leaders who introduced economic and political policies too detrimental to their peoples. The leaders know the dangers, see the dangers but went headlong because personal benefits are seen. For example in Nigeria where policies are hatched to bring about Operation Feed the Nation, Green Revolution, Globalization, Privatization of Government owned businesses, to mention but few. Today, all the much preached benefits of these policies to the general public still remain unfulfilled. The word of God in Isaiah 5: 20-21 says there will be woe upon leaders sponsoring bad policies. It says: – “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sights” (NIV).
Pray and ask God not to punish bad leaders, who take evil decisions for their citizens, but to have mercy on them and make them turn new leaves in Jesus name.