Yesterday’s devotional presented to the readers how Abimelech treacherously forced himself using his might to become King over people of Shechem his mother’s country home; and his people of Israel. The driving force behind Abimelech, like other desperate ambitious people, was selfishness. He knew that whoever rules over Judah then, rules over Shechem which occupied strategic position economically and politically. Shechem was situated at crossroads giving it a bustling commercial city. Anyone who used his might to clinch power usually never does anything good in governance. It has been so and will ever be till the end of the world. So, might does not make right at all! We see this in many countries of the world and more in Africa Continent. Whoever usurps power is neither chosen by God nor human being, and therefore, will handle the subjects ruthlessly any day and any time.
The story of Abimelech is replica of what goes on in the world these days resulting in political Tsunami of reckless destruction of democracy. Few people who are financially wealthy, politically grounded and militarily equipped, either through criminal or what have you, use their might to become lords over the masses. They dubiously gather supporters from their kinsmen and circles of sets they belong who will enforce winning for them. They steal votes and rig elections in the day time and muzzle the mouth of judiciaries from good judgments with their wealth. Even America known for model of democracy is gradually giving ways to use of might to win one’s ways to the top of governance. Power of might hardly make it right because any person who pushed self to the seat of power will use the same might to crush anyone opposing him or her.
Today’s devotional takes the position of condemning use of might to gain leadership position because it has never done anything right for the people. According to a footnote of Africa Study Bible on the story of Abimelech, forceful authority does not last. The same source said that the consequences of forceful authority produce actions that cause civil unrest, shedding of blood and national instabilities. The note observed too, that most often, the people that use might to climb up to stool of power are usually removed from the power the way they came. King Abimelech suffered same fate. He became mad at anyone who opposed him. This made him to take battles to his mother’s people at Shechem who made him King. He lost his life in the battle at Thebez. He died in a hand of a woman. He died under a heavy grounding stone and not a superior weapon. Oh, what a shameful death!
JEHOVAH FATHER, I know that you hear prayers and still answer prayers. You have not given the lives of the innocent people into the hands of desperate leaders to be dealing with as it pleases them. Kindly therefore, come and rescue the world from leaders using their might to rule in the name of Jesus Christ.