We saw what reproach in the Bible means in our yesterday’s devotional. We also noted what Apostle Paul detailed out that stands for living above reproach. The opening statement of yesterday’s devotional touched a sensitive area. This is people’s thinking that being above reproach must be the responsibilities of Overseers and Elders in churches. Qualifications for Overseers and church Elders as said earlier should not be restricted to them alone.
All Christians are supposed to meet these qualifications. Today’s devotional believes that, by application, Christians are not for indulging in anything that could dent the glorious image of the body of Christ. It is instructive to say that Bishops, Reverends, Pastors, Apostles, Prophets, and Evangelists as well Elders are called by God into the churches for Spiritual services. Also the Christians, by universal commission, are called by God into His services too. For this reason, all Christians are supposed not to engage themselves in any behaviour that will tarnish the good image of Christianity. Therefore, it is absolutely incorrect to ascribe Paul’s instruction of ordination to those ordained in the churches.
In the contexts of 1 Timothy 3: 2 – 12 and Titus 1: 6 – 9, the major aim for church leaders to meet the qualifications is summed up in this – that every accusation from unbelievers on the Leaders, and the Christians inclusive, will be proved wrong. This in turn will give the church leaders as well as the entire body of Christ respect and honour. Christians who are not ordained today are potential ordained ministers tomorrow. Therefore, they are to try as much as possible to “be above reproach” in characters. The responsibilities of blamelessness in behaviours should be seen in all Christians. This devotional wishes to let all readers know that people outside the church should speak well of the church leaders and their members. The good reputation with outsiders is what Paul required and can only be realized when Christians act as dependable friends and good neighbours.
HOLY SPIRIT; is only you who can enable me and fellow brethren in Christ live above reproach. Supply us, therefore, with these leadership qualities in the name of Jesus Christ.