As read in yesterday’s devotional, frustrating circumstances seem to have contributed to the nature of prayers offer to God these days. Many people who have experienced hard times, oppressions and violence as well as injustices mated on them have resorted to praying vindictive prayers for God’s vengeance and retributions. Most people these days want quick response, immediate punishment or sudden death upon their supposed predators. The danger of these kinds of prayers is that those offering the prayers expect God to do just as they want. Yesterday’s devotional revealed that many have fallen away from the faith because God seems not to be answering their prayers exactly as they have prayed. Question here is “Must God answer our prayers as exactly as we prayed or allow Him act within His time and will?”
We saw in yesterday’s devotional, numbers of passages in the Bible showing that prayers will be answer quickly. With all assurances of God’s posture to answer prayers, mysteries remain that lots of prayers are delayed, silenced, or seem not answered by God. In this present age, people have defiled God’s answers to prayers. Desperate politicians, blood thirsty ritualists, desperate business people who want to be rich at all cost, members of various syndicates etc., have stopped peoples’ prayers from being answered. The more evil is multiplying the more people are desperately expecting God to answer their prayers as timely as they would desire. However, those thinking God seems not answering prayers should know that God does not see as we see or thinks as we think. He does answers prayers in His own ways.
Christians should know that God says He does whatever pleases Him both in heaven and on the earth (Psa. 115: 3; 135: 6). This includes how He answers prayers. Of course, Christians are to know that God says our ways are not His ways; neither our thoughts are His thoughts (Isa. 55: 8). Therefore, we cannot influence Him to do anything against His timing and will as regards answering our prayers as exact as we pray. Christians can save themselves from depression and emotional trauma over why not God answering their prayers the ways they want. Many mechanical and scientific methods of how to pray that God will answer have been offered. Yet, God will surely answer prayers in His own ways. The best solution to this is walking with God in faith and hope; waiting on Him in everything at the time things please Him.
Pray, asking God to direct your mind and heart of prayer towards topics which go in line with what pleases Him in order for your prayers to be answered when He wants them.