The story of a man in the Bible called “Job” has been synonymous with sufferings of a man, who never deserve such. Job’s story has been so much taught to Christians basically to encourage them to endure sufferings pending when God would intervene in their cases. Many Bible teachers and preachers have taken the story of Job from so many angles as revealed to them by the Holy Spirit. The series of the devotional today is focusing on God’s recommending Job to Satan and why? In an effort to investigate why God would recommend Job to Satan to torment him, the devotional will dwell on the characters of Job side by side with Satan’s attack on him. Proposed lesson in the devotionals aimed at telling readers that certain conditions we find ourselves invisibly contains God’s good future plans for our lives.
All about Job’s story runs around attacks on the loved ones; destructions of properties and material wealth as well as out pour of sicknesses, diseases and pains. Job passed through these to the extent that his friends who supposed to console him took him to have been rewarded for his many sins. It will be seen in Job 1: 1-3, that Job had seven sons, three daughters. He possessed 7,000 sheep, 3000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen, and 500 female donkeys as well as so many servants. He lost all same day. After all these were gone, the person of Job became a target of afflictions by Satan. He was afflicted with horrible and seemly incurable sores. His condition deteriorated till every friend and relation deserted him.
What might baffle readers of the book of Job is that the Bible said he was a righteous man. The most seem unbelievable side of the story is that God is one who recommended Job to Satan. In other words, God directed Satan’s attention to Job. Satan appeared to God, perhaps, telling God that no human being on the earth is faithful to Him (God). Consequently, God asked Satan if Satan had considered Job! THE Bible said: “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who shuns evil?” (Job 1: 8 ESV). It was this question from God that paved ways for Satan to touch everything Job had. Many Christians have over times think that calamity cannot fall upon the righteous, the upright person, the blameless human being or the God fearing person. Hidden fact here is that God directed Satan to Job and permitted Satan to touch all he had. God has at the same time prepared Job glorious rewards after the torments. God still do this to many people who believe in Him. There cannot be contradiction!
Pray and ask God to open your mind to knowing why He allowed you face certain terrible situations in life. Demand from Him to show you His good plans for your sufferings in the name of Jesus.