Devotionals of July 9 and 10 dwelt on what living an organized life means in broad base and how individuals are responsible for disorganized societies existing in the world of today. The two devotionals made it clear that if individuals are self-organized the world systems will be maximally organized. There are so many ways one handles his or her life to attain “Living an organized life” on the earth. However, about four areas will be looked into from today’s discussion. We will be taking off with “An Organized Life and Sound Mind.” It is obvious that a troubled mind is riotous mind. Anyone that the mind is full of conflicts will live in a disorganized life. The best first thing to do if one is to live in an organized life is to build self a sound mind. If the mind and heart of a man is not sound and well-coordinated, living in an organized life will be difficult. The Greek word, “hugies” from which English word “sound” was derived from means “healthy, well, or whole.” The Hebrew word that English word “sound” is derived from is ‘marpe’, carrying meanings of curative, healing and wholesome.
As Christians, we are all supposed to be custodians of “Sound Mind” in other to live an organized life almost every day. Various Bible verses will be used from Proverbs 14: 30 above to illustrate this Biblical sound mind. (1). Amplified Bible puts it as “A calm and undisturbed mind and heart…” (2). New American Standard Bible says “A tranquil heart…” (3). New International Bible says “A heart at peace…” When we are found in the midst of storms of life, hurtful sickness and disease as well as financial difficulties, using calm mind, peaceful heart, curative and wholesome mind and heart will give ability to exercise organized attitude to overcome the troubles. While practicing quiet heart and mind in going through hard situations in life, we must put all our trusts in God and in His Words for us to be judged organized Christians.
We must, as Christians, be calm and make our hearts healthy knowing that God is He who “…maketh the storm calm, so that waves thereof a still…” (Psa.107: 29). One of the meanings of “Sound Mind” is wholesomeness. This talks of “good and acceptable” behaviour. Our speech must be trained to produce acceptable words at all situations (Prov. 10: 11). One of the greatest propellers of disorganized life is banking of anxieties, desperations, perplexities and the related negative thoughts in the mind. These things choke out the words of God from our hearts. Where God’s words are lacking, negative thoughts and hopeless conclusions come in. This allows us not to succeed in other things in life. Jesus talked about these vectors in Mark 4: 19. We can see here that “sound mind” is master key to developing an organized life.
BLESSED FATHER, impute into my heart and mind, quality sound mind on my inside to see things positively different in life in other to live an organized life in Jesus name.