God has always chosen particular people who He reveals what would happen in the future to. He chose Noah and revealed the destruction of the world by flood to (Gen. 6: 11 – 22). He chose Abraham to reveal to him that Sodom and Gomorrah would be burnt down by fire (Gen. 18: 16 – 23). This shows that when God grants those who are custodians of secrets, they see even things that are in the darkest part of the earth. The present world would have been more sane and free from the dominance of satanic activities if more people are given power to see what millions of people are doing in secrets as God sees. The present world needs somebody who should be seeing the secrets of what political leaders, religious leaders as well as the traditional leaders are doing in their secret abodes like Prophet Ezekiel.
In the days of Ezekiel, God showed him all that the Elders of Israel were doing in His Temple (Ezek. 8: 1 – 18). Ezekiel was first shown the elders in the Temple made doors inside the wall where they worship other gods. God asked Ezekiel to dig into the wall to go in. Ezekiel did and saw what the elders of the house of Israel were doing. He saw seventy Elders carrying censers in their hands to worship them (Ezek. 8: 12). Ezekiel was shown the north gate of the LORD’s house where women were sitting and weeping for Tammuz (this is god of fertility) and about 25 men standing backing the altar of the Temple worshiping sun. There are worst of this is still happening in secret places among our leaders. There is no doubt, many Christian leaders still pretend worshipping God while ordinary eyes of people see them true worshippers; but in the spirit they are worshipping strange gods and goddesses.
God showed Ezekiel the evil practices of the Elders in the Temple for Ezekiel to act by going to warn them and demanded repentance from them. We have in our churches, Senior Pastors, General Overseers, church workers and leaders worshipping other spirits in the churches while church activities are going on in the churches. As we all might have known, secret sins and evil practices of Ministers and Elders in churches drive God’s glory out of the people. The glory of God at this point goes out gradually till the churches become empty of God’s glory. We can be assured that many churches with outward appearances of mighty buildings with thousands of members busying handling services, crusades and great events are without the presence of God’s glory in them. The devotional seeks to see God’s servants with extraordinary Spirit like Prophet Ezekiel who will receive the secrets and warn churches and Christians to retrace their ways back to God.
JEHOVAH FATHER, our present world needs many Ezekiels who should be accessing the secrets covens in churches where outsiders think your move of power exists. Father let your Spirit sanitize the churches of evil practices in your churches in Jesus name.