We saw how wrong attitude and motive could hinder result oriented prayers in yesterday’s devotional. Today’s devotional brings out more prayer-killing attitudes and motives. Lack of humility hinders prayers from being answered. God hates the pride at heart and turns His ears to the prayers of the humble. God says: “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land” (2 Chro. 7: 14 Africa Study Bible). It takes humility to accept that God is our Almighty Father. It takes humility to accept Jesus Christ as our personal LORD and Saviour. It also takes humility to admit you are a sinner. Many people in this generation lack humility, even to pray to God. And some more others pray without fear of the LORD at heart. Reason result oriented prayers are hindered.
One other thing to look at here is “strife”. Definitions of strife show that it plays bigger role in aborting answers to prayers. Strife means contention, rivalry, dispute, wordy wrangling between two or more parties. Wherever there is strife, brethren cannot pray effectively. In churches and ministries where everybody is angry in the inside against others, prayers will result to naught. Internal strife has never allowed married people, church group members, denominations etc., pray with unity. Jesus Christ made us know how praying in agreement results to positive answers. He said: “I also tell you this: if two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you” (Matt. 18: 19 Africa Study Bible). Wherever there is strife, joint prayers will be hindered. The Bible says that “Better is a dry crust eaten in peace, than a house filled with feasting – and conflict” (Prov. 17: 1 Africa Study Bible). If Christians meet to pray and still keep malice with each other, they are operating on strife and this can stop God answering their prayers.
The last to be mention here is inability to deal away with iniquity at heart. This devotional feels to define “iniquity” simply as “act of wickedness or practice”. Iniquity includes “gross injustices” according to Merriam Webster Dictionary. As seen in Isaiah 59: 2 iniquity separate human beings from God. It results into sins which make God to turn away His face from people. There are great gross injustices amongst human beings causing dissentions or bitterness against each other. As long as we cherish iniquity in our hearts, God will not answer our prayers. Reason the Psalmist says: “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the LORD will not hear me. But certainly God has heard me. He has attended to the voice of my prayers” (Psalm 66: 18 – 19 KJV). Human beings treasure sins or wickedness at heart and still appear among God’s worshippers. This accounts for God not listening to some prayers. If people’s regard to sin and iniquity is minimized, their prayers will be more result oriented.
HOLY FATHER, make me and other Christians of these days to live in humility, deal away with strife in the mind and stop cherishing iniquities in our hearts in the name of Jesus Christ.