There is a huge difference between knowing something and showing practically that you know that thing. Many human beings know the laws that guide them, but many find it hard to show their knowledge of the laws. Many Christians claim to know what God wants them to be doing but find it difficult to show God by their actions that they know exactly what He wants them do. The aspect this is displayed is being obedient to God. Today’s devotional will be talking on “Showing God Obedience”. It is focusing on the necessity for us Christians to doing things which should show God that we are obedient to His words and commandments. The above passage talks of giving lip service to Jesus Christ, calling Him LORD, LORD but the mind is not in the voice. Some people do the same when it comes to obeying God.
Showing God obedience means being in submission to God’s authority doing what He asks you to do without difficulty. In showing God obedience, we practice what He wants against what other authorities wants. Daniel and his three Hebrew brothers exercised a remarkable way of showing God obedience by chosen to die by fire rather than to bow down to the image of Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 3; 16-18). We show God obedience by remaining faithful to Him by choice. The Psalmist chose to remain faithful to God putting before his eyes God’s commandments (Psa. 190: 30). In showing God obedience, Christians are to therefore, make themselves being faithful to God always. They are to see that they please Him, fixing their eyes, minds and hearts on things He delights every time.
Showing God obedience simply involves hearing His words and acting on the words. The world looks more to behaving our profession of being Christians. God Himself does the same by checking the motives surrounding how we are obedient to Him. One of the major ways we show God obedience is in loving Him. Working within the circumference of God’s commandments without pressures suggests we love Him and are obedient to Him (John 14: 15). The beloved, it is very important to know from this devotional today that living in obedience to God must be in acting the obedience rather than verbal professions.
DEAR FATHER JEHOVAH, make me to know things to be doing on daily bases to show my genuine obedience to you in the name of Jesus Christ.