The only people not crying for God’s mercy these days are the heartless and mindless individuals gaining from sufferings of people. Rather than seeking how to alleviate sufferings they increase the sufferings. To them, subjecting people to poverty, hardships and continuous sufferings make them relevant and enhances their opportunity to remain in leadership. The devotional told readers yesterday that human efforts might not win us genuine mercy, cannot attract people’s pity, compassion, sympathy etc. to us. We are to look on to God who gives out mercy, not on the bases of how able we can work out mercy. God is full of mercy and shows His mercy to us in diverse ways. He never withdraws His mercy from people. Desperate politicians, religious leaders, business tycoons, even criminals are without mercy. But not God!
It is important to note that God allows some hardened criminals, clueless political leaders as well as tyrants to deal with us ruthlessly for to know His mercy better. He allowed a wicked Pharaoh to come on throne before the Israelites were moved out of Egypt. God said He hardened Pharaoh’s heart against the Israelites so the His mighty power will show at last (Exod. 7: 4 – 5). Perhaps, the hardened leaders in many nations of the globe today are allowed by God for His mercy to be shown the world. The same Pharaoh who punished Israelites could not stop the Egyptians from them silver and gold jewelries for clothing as parting gifts (Exod. 12: 35 – 36).This is wealth! Your blessing is standing behind that hardened leader of your country. God’s mercy will soon make him/her remember you!
Against whatever some of us are seeing today, God has made His merciful plans for us years back. We are not perturbed because we know God’s mercy will surely be released upon the end. Please do not give up. You might have ruled against yourself that things are not moving because you are not smart like others. Then remember that the race is not for the swift nor the battle is for the strong (Eccl. 9: 11). The mercy of God arranges times and seasons for you to shine. Human beings meant to show mercy may be doing it with partiality; but God does His according to His will and wish. He said He shows mercy to who He pleases (Rom. 9: 15). Hold on to your faith and trust in Him in every time and season. He is watching your fortitude to bear. When His day comes, you will be like those dreaming dreams.
MY FATHER, MY GOD, your mercy awaits those who patiently and hopefully wait on you. Do not make me give up to depression and self-pity that will stop your mercy flowing upon me, in the name of Jesus Christ.