Calling any person “wicked” can attract legal action on the caller. The court might judge the caller for character assassination or libel. This is because the word “wicked” connotes derogatory remark. Today’s devotional id looking on “The Work Of The Wicked”. Literally it is addressing what one who is wicked does. The work of the wicked includes actions and words of one known as a wicked person or known for wickedness. For a clearer understanding, looking into the meaning of the word “wicked” secularly and Biblically is very important here. Proverbs 11: 18 says: “The wicked worketh a deceitful work…” (KJV). Deceitful work is work of wickedness.
The word “wicked” has so many meanings. Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, among other meanings, defines wicked as “morally bad”, “disposed to mischief”, “disgustingly unpleasant” and “causing or likely to cause harm, distress or trouble.” Any individual whose works embrace being morally very bad, or reflects mischief, make people feel disgustingly unpleasant; is on the business of doing the work of the wicked. Anyone whose actions or words cause another person distress or emotional trauma is doing the work of the wicked. In the Old Testament, the word “wicked” is associated with a mental disregard for justice, righteousness, truth, honour and virtue.
According to a Bible Study Tool Blog, wicked includes evil in thought and life; depravity, sinfulness and criminality. By the Biblical meaning of the word “wicked”, any man or woman who has no disregard for justice, regard for being upright in doing things; such as speaking words of truth and having great regard for integrity is a wicked person. Somebody who has tendencies for criminal life is a wicked person. This devotional is on same page with the secular and Biblical views on the word “wicked”. Those acting the meanings of the word; ”wicked” in this devotional are doing the works of the wicked. Next discussion will build up on the doings that connote “the works of the wicked” for more among others.
Holy Spirit, work on me today to enable me see things I am doing which pass for “the work of the wicked” in Jesus name.