IN Hebrew Bible, heart of man is where one makes choices motivated by desires. The heart is also the center of man’s intellectual and emotional life. External actions of human beings are the products of the heart. Expressed words of every human are determined by the heart. If negative things are processed in the heart negatively, the tongues speak negatively. But when the heart processed things positively, the tongues speak positively. When the heart is joyful, it processes words of appreciation. When the heart is always full of ingratitude it will hardly appreciate good things, therefore, seals the mouth from saying “thank you” to anybody. In the Spiritual sense, every human being supposed to have a heart full of joyful matters. Joyful matter prompts the lips of mankind to keep speaking thankful words either to man or to God.
In today devotional, we are dealing with a heart overflowing in joy. This is the heart that has the capacity of saying “thank you God” or thank you my brother genuinely and constantly. A faithful Christian, among other characters, is one with joyful heart. He/she is one who expresses words of “Thank you God” all the time. He/she is one who even in time of difficulties will be heard “I give you thanks for this experience O LORD.” We will always see this character in King David in his relationship with God in his days on the earth. The text passage above conveys King David’s nature of a heart overflowing in joy. Though the psalm is a wedding song, perhaps, composed for the “Lilies of the sons of Korah, it reflected a heart of the King overflowing in joy. David said: “My heart is overflowing with a good matter…” (Psa. 45: 1 KJV). It must be a joyful heart that can be overflowing with a good matter.
The phrase “a good matter” connotes that there could be other things that are never good to King David. Those who give thanks to God every time go about with appreciative hearts. They always place their hearts on good things God has done for them while taking away their minds and hearts from the negative stuffs as the devil projected them in their minds. The month of December of every year ought to be a month whoever would make God be happy with, develop heart overflowing with a good matter. Christian are to know that their tongues should be a praise composing subject as well as lips full of composing words of thanks dedicated to God. We Christians are to make our tongues “pens of ready writers” composing praises and words of thanksgiving to God like King David. With this God will always bless us bountifully.
BLESSED FATHER, I wish that my lips become pens of a ready writer of your praises rather than using my lips always telling of things seen not working for me. I desire giving you praises and thanks every day. Grant my request in the name of Jesus Christ.