Precisely on December 18, 2020 I came across a story of one Pixee Fox, published in Opera News online by one JoseTheTwitter. Within the ten hours of releasing this story about 50,024 people have viewed the story. The story is about a lady called Pixee Fox who allegedly subjected herself to over 200 plastic surgeries to look like her idolized cartoon heroine. Between 2010 and 2017 she went through series of surgeries to change her breasts, eyelids and nose as well as reduction of her waist to become only 14 inches. The story has it that Pixee Fox spent £80,000.00. If this is converted to Nigeria Naira at N1,535 black market rate on January 2, 2024 it goes for about N122,800,000. She was said to spent additional £6,000 (about N9,210,000.00) to remove six of her ribs. Presently, as her picture accompanying the story showed in 2020, she was looking ugly and miserable. She was said to be going through pains all the time presently.
Whatever anyone might think, this lady should be regretting her actions. She should be seeing all her efforts as waste and the years she spent on plastic surgerying herself as wasted years. The memory about those years now could be traumatic and full of psychological and emotional pains. There are many people going through same experience like this lady today. We all have had closer experiences to this lady’s experiences which are living with us today. The memories are causing us loss of hope. The memories can be as results of costly mistakes. The beginning of every New Year brings back fresh memories of wasted years.
As Christians, we are not to allow mistakes of yesterdays and yesteryears becloud our hope against future success. Memories of wasted years should be converted to motivation for positive change. Changing disappointment to appointment is the greatest attitude for winning over costly mistakes. Job in the Bible, illustrated this by comparing set back in life to the determination of a hopeful tree which was cut down, but waited for when to sprout up again as seen in Job 14: 7- 9.
Today’s devotional is speaking to that individual who might be building on his or her wasted years in this year. Such attitude will not bring up success. The needed action is to forget the past and ask God for new ways to survive. Every wasted year is recoverable for a dynamic mind. Call it sound mind if you like. The great Preacher in the Bible said that anyone who is joined to the living ought to be hopeful. Here the Bible says “For to him that is joined to the living there is hope…” (Eccl. 9: 4 KJV). By faith we believe that everything lost can be recovered as long as life continues. No Christian is permitted to quit because of the mistake made personally. God allowed such to teach us lesson and for gaining wisdom for great achievement in future. I ask any one reading this devotional to pick up his or her pieces together and convert the waste years to useful years ahead.
Few Prayer points:
1. Father, send the great Teacher, the Holy Spirit, to come and remove all memories of my wasted years from my brain this year in Jesus name.
2. Father, grant me wisdom that will convert my sorrowful wasted years into fruitful investment for future greatness in Jesus name.
3. Pray, asking God to reveal to you, all records of your successes instead of allowing demons reminding you of wasted years in the name of Jesus Christ.
4. Ask God to separate you from the advisers who usually lead you to wasteful ventures in Jesus name.
Today’s Confessional statement:
I am not wasted; I am loaded with success. I have not lost all. I am regaining my wasted years beginning from today.