Events or circumstances which prevail at a particular period usually made people carve out word or phrase for the events. We have had words such as Tsunamis, Hurricane Katrina, holocausts, dark age, etc. these words were formed after an unprecedented events or circumstances. Tsunamis is for a long sea wave cause by earthquake. That of 2004 in India killed about 230,000 people. Hurricane Katrina was used for a devastated hurricane that caused massive damage in . Holocaust came the heartless killing of the Jews by Nazi group in Germany. Dark Age came after the fall of Roman Empire in the 1330s that caused economic, intelligent and cultural decline. Apostle Paul use a phrase “perilous times” to describe an event that will come into the world heralding the End of the world. The Apostle enumerated so many things which would come to pass before the End of the world will come. Today’s devotional is looking at perilous based on its general definitions.
Apostle Paul touched things to witness during the perilous times. These include men and women becoming lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers and unholy. Others are seen in people without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, and other form of ungodly acts. The world has indeed had series of perilous times in different magnitudes and is still witnessing more. Over times, each passing year leaves behind itself woes upon woes of difficult times. Many governments have come and gone with promises of turning things better for the people, yet left the people in worst state of life both economically and politically. There is no place in the world now that inexplicable hardships, terrorism, killings, hunger, inflation, unemployment etc. are not present. The present century seems to be worst. Is someone asking for what to do to survive the perilous times?
Surviving the perilous times involve lots that cannot be contained here. The first is “Being realistic about what is going on.” The realism is that it has come and must be. The second step is “Be willing to get involved”. Moses met the perilous time of the Israelites in Egypt. Moses applied the first and second steps (Exod. 3: 11 – 12). As Christians we might not fight physically, but we can courageously attack the situations with prayers. The third step that many may not want to hear is “Turning to God with sincere repentance.” Higher problems are yet to come upon the world till people accept that God is all and all they need. God told the Israelites of things to do if they want Him to turn things around for good for them (Lev. 26: 3 – 13). God again told the Israelites evil things He will bring to them the more they rebel against Him (Lev. 26: 14 – 39). What God said to the Israelites are for the entire world of today.
Pray and ask God for mercy over every human on the surface earth as most of us have seriously offended God. Ask God in prayer to forgive the world and turn away His wrath from the world.
Pray prayers of change of mind and attitude upon the political leaders, religious leaders as well as the traditional leaders so that God visits the world again with glorious living.
Further reading: Deuteronomy 28: 1 – 68.