Faithfulness means steadfast in affection or allegiance, firm in adherence to promises, given with strong assurance.
We live in a world of broken promises, marriage vows are broken, business contract breeched etc. Politicians break promises, people will let you down, but God will never fail you. He is dependable and reliable. Sometimes, you may experience delays in answer to your prayers, but God’s delays are not His denials.No matter what’s going on in your life right now – stress, health problems, lack of finance, failed marriage, wayward children, death of a loved one – Whatever pains you are in, God ‘s steadfast love for you will never ever end. Every day, He has a brand new supplies of mercy. There is dawn that is coming after the night because God is faithful.
If you are a Christian, you are adopted by a Father who will never ever change His mind concerning you, never writes you off, never leaves you or forsakes you.He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
When an intimidated Moses needed assurance about the massive assignment he has been given; he asked for God’s credentials.He wanted to know God’s Name, God answered with His covenant name: “I AM WHO I AM”. (Exod. 3:14) The name expresses God’s eternality, it also announces that He always remain the same in his nature and perfections, in His knowledge, will and purpose, God never changes. Child of God, whatever God has spoken concerning you must surely come to pass. Relax and be happy for He (our God) is a covenant keeping God.
Prayer Point:
Father God, I know that your delays are not denial, help me to continue to wait on you until you change my story and put laughter in my mouth.
I serve a God that can do all things. I refused to be intimidated by any circumstances because I have an assurance from God that I will surely win.