The first part of this devotional was released on March 7. It flatly addresses how God is rich in mercy and love (Eph. 2: 4). The lesson therein is that God is full of Mercy and Love for us human beings. The unbelievers share in this Mercy and Love through universal grace. Because of this, God keeps tolerating all the wickedness of the world. This His Mercy and Love is inexhaustible. And for the Christians, God made available for them this Mercy and Love even when we are all sinners. By Love He made available Salvation through Jesus Christ, that whosoever will confess Him as Lord and Saviour will be saved. By Mercy, God personally called as many Christians as possible and made them belong to His family. Jesus said no one comes to Him except His Father calls such a person. This is mercy at work.
Today’s devotional is pointing us to accepting the truth that, against all odds around us, we have to trust in His Mercy and Love that are in great abundance. His Mercy and Love can be accessed by everyone who goes to Him. His Mercy and Love is for the rich, the poor, the disabled and for all race. For Christians, our salvation is by His grace (Eph. 2: 8). The unbelievers today are products of God’s salvation tomorrow. All of us must therefore, be positively expectant of God’s Mercy and Love. The enduring Mercy and Love of God is a mystery. We certainly cannot tell why God makes this great provision of Mercy and Love. In Eph. 2: 7, the Bible qualifies this mercy and love as “…the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus” (KJV).
Everybody is enjoined to believe in this abundant God’s Mercy and Love. He had shown it to the world many times in the past. He is still showing us today. In Nigeria to be precise, God’s Mercy and Love has kept us through civil war, kept us through dangerous sicknesses and diseases such as malaria, chicken pox, small pox, cholera, HIV/AIDS, Ebola and as well as Covid-19 pandemic. How our people survived all these diseases and sicknesses is mysterious. God’s Mercy and Love will see Nigerians through the present insecurities caused by desperate individuals. God’s Mercy and Love is more than sufficient.
God does allow disaster to fall upon people who dishonoured Him by refusing Him as their Almighty Father; who deserves our righteousness and holiness. He can allow the disaster to come in any form: dangerous diseases and sicknesses, internal disorder where citizens rise against each other in war, external war by allowing strangers attack a nation. But with all these, He makes available His Mercy and Love to deliver at the end. We Nigerians are getting to receiving God’s Mercy and Love. All we need do now is turning to God without looking back. Whatever has gone wrong will be corrected by God. Those of us who are alive now must quickly run back to God. His Mercy and Love are waiting!
1. Pray and sincerely plead to God for quick releasing of His Mercy and Love upon Nigeria as a country, in Jesus name.
2. Pray and ask God, using the name of Jesus Christ, to give our youths, the desperate politicians, traditional leaders and religious; leaders new hearts in place of the indoctrinated ones. Let them begin to receive truth in their minds to turn away from their fake teachers and sponsors of every crime.
I am an emblem of God’s mercy and love. I receive mercy and love for my people and Nigeria in Jesus name.