There are three major historical periods of celebrating Jesus Christ in the lives of Christians. The period of his birth, the period of His earthly mission and thep. time He died and rose from the grave. His birth was significant because that was when God manifested His Great Love for the world. The Bible said “For God so loved the world that He gave His Begotten Son…” (John 3: 16). *The word “Begotten Son” means “unique son”. It means “one-of -a-kind Son to God”.* Jesus’ ministry period was the time He went about preaching, teaching, healing the sick, raising the dead and helping the people (Acts 10: 38). *Every period of Jesus’ existence was worthy of remembrance. But two of these periods are celebrated by churches. His birth is celebrated during Christmas. Then Easter is celebrated to commemorate His Resurrection.*
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is very important to us Christians and should be taken very important. *This devotional is not looking at the theological arguments surrounding the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, but at the authenticity of it.* *There ought not be argument if Jesus rose from dead. Such argument is against the faith of Christianity. Real believers in Christ do not argue if Jesus rose from the dead or not.* Authentically, Jesus rose up from the death on the third day He was buried. He rose in Spirit being but allowed Himself to be seen by His disciples and other for forty days before He ascended into heaven. *There are about seventeen Biblical facts that Jesus actually rose from dead. Few of these will be mentioned here:
1. The three women going to anoint Jesus body saw an empty tomb. There was an angel of God sited at the side of the tomb who told the women that Jesus has risen (Mark 16: 1- 7).
2. Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene as she remained behind after Peter and John left the tomb (John 20: 11 – 17; Mark 16: 9-11).
3. Jesus appeared to the three women on their returning to the tomb after gone to report to the disciples that they could not see Him in the tomb (Matt. 28: 9-10).
4. He walked with the Disciples on their way to Emmaus. He tarried with them and broke bread with them (Mark 16: 12 – 13).
5. Jesus appeared to the two of the disciples where they gathered at the Upper room in Mark’s house (John 20: 19).
6. He appeared to Peter and other six disciples at the sea of Galilee where He asked Peter “Do you love me”, three times (John 21: 1 – 23).
7. Apostle Paul said Jesus appeared to more than 500 people after he rose from the dead.* This has to be accepted as authentic proof of His Resurrection (1 Cor. 15: 3 – 8).
There are no myths about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Faithful Christians accept that He rose from dead in the real form and showed Himself to many of His disciples before He ascended into heaven. It is on the basis of the glorious resurrection that our celebration of Easter should be understood. Next devotional will address the power of His resurrection. True Christians are advised to accept Jesus’ resurrection if they are to know the power of His resurrection.
Father, give me an understanding heart to believe that Jesus actually rose from the dead. I desire to know the power of His resurrection so that His death will be useful to my Salvation.
I firmly believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. I will reap from the benefits of His resurrection.