Let us start this devotional by saying that mindset is a powerful instrument in every aspect of human activities. The personality we possess is the product of our mindset. Men and women whose mindsets are immoral dress and walk about with seductive steps. A wicked and bloodthirsty person, most often, goes about with frightening appearances. But a Christian with the mind of Christ, no matter the riches and wealth or political position achieved goes about with humility and simplicity of heart. Such a person has the mindset that without God, the riches, wealth, higher academic or political profile will not be given him or her.
This devotional singles out one mindset built into Christianity today that has caused problems for several Christians. This mindset is borrowed from the philosophy of “Law of attraction.” This law says that anything thought out, if positive, will be attracted to the person. This law says whatever the mind positively pictured will come to the person. But Christian mindset sees this differently. As faith without work is dead, so is ordinary building positive thoughts without actions. Many Christians talk breakthrough in businesses, claims prosperities and confess several good things based on the law of attractions. But the claimed or thought out positivity never show up as expected because it was not back up with productive actions.
A Christian mindset says as long as one is involved in hardworking, diligent, excellent spirit and godly works, successes and blessings are sure to come (Prov. 10: 4; 13: 4). Christian who belongs to low income earning but sets the mind on becoming a thousandnaire, millionaire, and billionaire without godly processes might be a carnal person. Christian mindset is not for coveting another person’s success but trusting God for own success. Christian mindset to get things says time and season for everything is in God’s hands. These days, some young ministers of God go for ministry with a mindset of taking their churches to the mega churches’ level within a very short time. Question here is, does that minister suffer the suffering of the General Overseer of the Mega Church he or she wants to overtake?
The beloved, know that having a mindset of becoming great, rich, wealthy and influential at early age is not a Christian mindset. Don’t think of becoming a millionaire through cybercrimes. Don’t think you must get married when your mates are marrying. Such attitude is what one Carey Green called “lies-based daily habits”. Having a winning mindset that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil. 4: 13), is Christian mindset. But it has to be combined with doing things diligently in total trust on God.
Blessed Father, take away my mind from baseless world successes and fix my mind on your purposes for my life.
I know that I can make it in life. I set my mind on Divine help to make it. Hallelujah!