Our last devotional on this topic is dwelling on acting love to be loved. In the discussion so far, we have established that love is not for receiving only but in giving out to one’s spouse. Today’s devotional is looking at some “Keys to Making One Being Loved” in marriage. These keys open up one’s spouse to love the partner with ease.
The first key is being prepared for the marriage relationship. Be prepared for faults from your spouse, and at the same time prepared to keep the relationship. Avoid looking for the faults in your spouse believing you have no such faults. The Bible warned against this in Mark 7: 3 – 4. Added to this key is maintaining “Elevator Principle Relationship”. This means adding value to the value of your spouse in order to push him/her up. Do all you can to lift up one another’s personality? If you love being lifted up, do that also to your spouse. This agrees with what Jesus said thus: “Whatever you want men to do for you, do also that very thing to them (Matt. 7: 12).
One other key to make self being loved in marriage is “Being Willing to focus On Your Spouse”. Focus on what makes your spouse happy. Think about his/her well fare, agenda and interest. Minimise thinking of what gives you joy, comfort or wellbeing against that of your spouse. There is no moral justification for a husband or wife who does not think of what good things to do for his/her spouse but can become angry when his/her partner falls short of the same gesture.
Another key to make self being loved in marriage is deliberate trust building. Distrust breeds offenses and contentions in marriage. Husbands and wives should always aim at building mutual trust on each other. Avoid suspecting one another and avoid living in a deceptive life style. Destroying the trust your partner built on you will damage sweet marriage. The Bible says “A brother offended is hard to win…” (Prov. 10: 19). This goes for marriage partners too. Once your partner is offended by your act of distrust, it will prove too hard to win him or her back. Added last key here is “Willingness to Invest in Your Spouse”. Invest in your spouse to grow spiritually, socially, financially, academically etc. Husbands and wives should be able to relate with each other on what John Maxwell called “The Garden Principles Relationship.” Through these principles husbands and wives are to sow seed of love into each other and cultivate ways the love will mature in the marriage. John Maxwell said “For garden to grow and flourish, it takes time, care and cultivation. If garden is neglected, it will soon wither and die”. Same thing happens to marriage when love is not cultivated and taken care of in each other.
JEHOVAH FATHER, kindly sow into my mind, keys of good marital relationships which will make me think on good things to do to my spouse in the name of Jesus.
I am full of good seeds for good marriage relationships. I am ready to bod the seeds now. Hallelujah!!!